BasicInformation |
Name: Wangbin Department: Economics Gender: male Post: Career: Associate professor Degree: Ph.D. Graduate School: City University of Hong Kong Tel: Email: Office Location: 316, College of Economics, Jinan University Address: PostCode: Fax: Honor: |
Enrollment |
ResumeEducation2004 PhD City Univeristy of Hong Kong 2010 MS Renmin University of China 2007 BS Wuhan University Work Experience2019-present Jinan University Associate Professor 2014-2015 City University of Hong Kong Post Doctoral Fellow Research FieldsThesis FieldsPublication Bin Wang and Yu Zheng, A Model of Tournament Incentives and Corruption, forthcoming at Journal of Comparative Economics Bin Wang, Measuring the Natural Rate of Interest of China: A Time Varying Perspective, Economics Letters, 176, March 2019, 117-120. Research Papers Revise and Resubmit – Buben Fu and Bin Wang, The Transition of China’s Monetary Pollicy Regime: Before and After the Four Trillion RMB Stimulus, at Economic Modelling Working Papers – Bin Wang and Buben Fu, The Effects of International Oil Price Uncertainty on China’s Economy – Bin Wang and Yum K. Kwan, Measuring the Natural Rate of Interest of OECD and BRICS Economies: A Time Varying Perspective – Bin Wang and Yum K. Kwan, Constructing the Job-Finding Rate and Separation Rate of Hong Kong Labor Market, submitted to Pacific Economic Review – Bin Wang and Buben Fu, The Spillover of the U.S. Trade Policy Uncertainty to China – Bin Wang, Efficient Bargaining Power in a Heterogeneous Search and Matching Model Work-in-Progress – Bank Leverage, External Premium and Search Frictions PublicationsPublication Bin Wang and Yu Zheng, A Model of Tournament Incentives and Corruption, forthcoming at Journal of Comparative Economics Bin Wang, Measuring the Natural Rate of Interest of China: A Time Varying Perspective, Economics Letters, 176, March 2019, 117-120. Undertake the subjectPatent for inventionOpen CourseHonorSocial Position |