

Name: Shizhi

Department: Cell Biology

Gender: male


Career: Researcher

Degree: M.D., Ph.D.

Graduate School: Sun Yat-sen University

Tel: 020-85224525


Office Location: Room 708, 2nd Engineering and Technology Building

Address: 601 Huangpu Avenue West, Guangzhou

PostCode: 510632

Fax: 020-85225977





1997-2002  B.S. Forensic Science, Sun Yat-Sen University, China.

2002-2007 Ph.D.Oncology, Sun Yat-Sen University, China.

Work Experience

2007-2011  Postdoctoral fellow at Emory University, USA.

2012-present Professor, Department of Cell Biology & Institute of Biomedicine, College of Life Science and Technology, Jinan University

Research Fields

Thesis Fields

1.Zheng D#, Liu W#, Xie W#, Huang G#, Jiang QW, Yang Y, Huang JR, Xing ZH, Yuan ML, Wei MN, Li Y, Yin J*, Shen J*, Shi Z*. AHA1 upregulates IDH1 and metabolic activity to promote growth and metastasis and predicts prognosis in osteosarcoma. Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2021 Jan 20;6:25. (SCI IF: 13.493)

2.Zhang WJ#, Yang Y#, Dong Z, Shi Z*,Zhang JT*. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms in a short basic motif in the ABC transporter ABCG2 disable its trafficking out of endoplasmic reticulum and reduce cell resistance to anticancer drugs. J Biol Chem. 2019Dec 27;294(52):20222-20232. (SCI IF: 4.238)

3.Qiu J, Li Q, Bell KA, Yao X, Du Y, Zhang E, Yu JJ, Yu Y, Shi Z*, Jiang J*. Small-molecule inhibition of prostaglandin E receptor 2 impairs cyclooxygenase-associated malignant glioma growth. Br J Pharmacol. 2019 Jun;176(11):1680-1699. (SCI IF: 7.730)

4.Wang YJ, Zhang YK, Zhang GN, Al Rihani SB, Wei MN, Gupta P, Zhang XY, Shukla S, Ambudkar SV, Kaddoumi A, Shi Z*, Chen ZS*. Regorafenib overcomes chemotherapeutic multidrug resistance mediated by ABCB1 transporter in colorectal cancer: In vitro and in vivo study. Cancer Lett. 2017 Mar 14;396:145-154. (SCI IF: 6.491)

5.Zhang WJ, Li Y, Wei MN, Chen Y, Qiu JG, Jiang QW, Yang Y, Zheng DW, Qin WM, Huang JR, Wang K, Zhang WJ, Wang YJ, Yang DH, Chen ZS*Shi Z*. Synergistic antitumor activity of regorafenib and lapatinib in preclinical models of human colorectal cancer. Cancer Lett. 2017 Feb 1; 386:100-109. (SCI IF: 6.491)

6.Jiang JX*, Qiu JG, Li QQ, Shi Z*. Prostaglandin E2 signaling: Alternative target for glioblastoma? Trends Cancer. 2017 Feb;3(2):75-78. (SCI IF: 7.038)

7.Qiu JG, Shi Z*, Jiang JX*. Cyclooxygenase-2 in glioblastoma multiforme. Drug Discov Today. 2017 Jan;22(1):148-156. (SCI IF: 6.848)

8.Jiang QW#, Chen MW#, Cheng KJ#, Yu PZ, Wei X, Shi Z*.Therapeutic potential of steroidal alkaloids in cancer and other diseases. Med Res Rev. 2016 Jan;36(1):119-143. (SCI IF: 8.763)

9.Shi Z, Li Z, Li Z, Chen K, Du H, Fu H*, Khuri FR*. Cables1 controls p21/Cip1 protein stability by antagonizing proteasome subunit alpha type 3.Oncogene.2015 May 7;34(19):2538-2545. (SCI IF: 7.932)

10.Shi Z#, Park HR#, Du H, Li Z, Chen K, Li Z, Fu H*, Khuri FR*. Cables1 protein complex couples survival signaling to cell death machinery.Cancer Res. 2015 Jan 1;75(1):147-158.(SCI IF: 8.556)

11.Wang S, Qiu J, Shi Z*, Wang Y, Chen M*. Nanoscale drug delivery for taxanes based on the mechanism of multidrug resistance of cancer. Biotechnol Adv. 2015 Jan-Feb;33(1):224-241. (SCI IF: 9.848)

12.Yan XJ#, Gong LH#, Zheng FY, Cheng KJ, Chen ZS*, Shi Z*. Triterpenoids as reversal agents for anticancer drug resistance treatment. Drug Discov Today. 2014 Apr;19(4):482-488. (SCI IF: 6.691)

13.Shi Z, Tiwari AK, Patel A, Fu LW*, Chen ZS*. Roles of sildenafil in enhancing drug sensitivity in cancer. Cancer Res. 2011 Jun 1;71(11):3735-3738. (SCI IF: 8.650)

14.Shi Z, Tiwari AK, Shukla S, Robey RW, Singh S, Kim IW, Bates SE, Peng XX, Abraham I, Ambudkar SV, Talele TT, Fu LW*, Chen ZS*. Sildenafil reverses ABCB1- and ABCG2-mediated chemotherapeutic drug resistance. Cancer Res. 2011 Apr 15;71(8):3029-3041. (SCI IF: 8.650)

15.Shi Z, Peng XX, Kim IW, Shukla S, Si QS, Robey RW, Bates SE, Shen T, Ashby CR, FuLW*, AmbudkarSV, ChenZS*. Erlotinib (Tarceva, OSI-774) Antagonizes ATP-Binding Cassette Subfamily B Member 1 and ATP-Binding Cassette Subfamily G Member 2Mediated Drug Resistance. Cancer Res2007 Nov; 67(22):11012-11020. (SCI IF: 7.543)


1.Yang Yang, Zhi Shi*. “STAT3 Inhibitors as Sensitizing Agents for Cancer Chemotherapy.”, Book Title: “Protein Kinase Inhibitors as Sensitizing Agents for Chemotherapy.” Academic Press. ISBN: 9780128164358. 2018-12-03.

2.Jian-Ge Qiu, Xiao-Long Mei, Zhe-Sheng Chen*, Zhi Shi*. “Cytokine detection by flow cytometry.”, Book Title: “Methods in Molecular Biology”, Volume “Cytokine Bioassays: Methods and Protocol”. 2014;1172:235-242. Humana Press.ISBN: 978-1-4939-0928-5. 2014-05-19.

3.Zhi Shi#, Amit K. Tiwari#, Charles R. Ashby Jr., Liwu Fu, Zhe-Sheng Chen, “Anticancer role of Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors.”, Book Title: “The Research and Biology of Cancer”. 2013, iConcept Press Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-922227-22-5.

Undertake the subject

National Key Research and Development Program of China, National Science Foundation of China, Guangdong Natural Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scholar, The Science and Technology Program of Guangdong, The Science and Technology Program of Guangzhou, etc.

Patent for invention

Approved 1 USA patent and 8 Chinese patents.

Open Course

Molecular Cell Biology, Cell Biology, Cancer Cell Biology


Social Position

Editor for scientific journals

Mol Pharmacol, Rencent Pat Anti-Cancer

Reviewer for scientific journals and grants

Acta Biochim Biophys SinActa Pharm Sin BActa Pharmacol SinAgingAmino AcidsAnticancer Agents Med ChemArch Biochem BiophysAsian J Pharm SciBBA-Mol Basis DisBioengineeredBiologyBiomed PharmacotherBiomoleculesBiomed Res IntBMC CancerBMC Pharmacol ToxicolCancersCancer Biother RadiopharmCancer LettCancer Manag ResCell Biol IntCell Commun SignalCell ProliferatCheml Bio Drug DesChin J Cancer/Cancer CommunClin Exp Pharmacol PComput Struct Biotechnol JCurr Pharm BiotechnolDiseasesDrug DelivDrug Des Dev TherEpigenomicsExpert Opin Drug DelExp Ther MedEur J PharmacolFood Chem ToxicolFood FunctFront Cell Dev BiolFront EndocrinFront Mol BiosciFront MedFront MicrobiolFront OncolFront PharmacolFront ToxicolFuture OncolHeliyonInt J Biol SciInt J Clin PractInt J Mol SciInt J Mol MedInt J OncolInt J PharmIntegr Cancer TherIUBMB Life J CancerJ Cell Mol MedJ Funct Foods J Interg MedJ Inflamm ResJ Mater Chem BJ Mol Cell BiolJ Nutr BiochemJ Pharmcol Exp TherJ Pharm PharmcolJ Phys ChemLife SciMed Sci MonitMoleculesMol CancerMol Med RepMol PharmacolMol PharmNanomed-NanotecOncotargetOnco Targets TherOncol RepOncol LettOpen BioPathol Res PractPatient Prefer AdherPeer JPlos OnePharmaceuticalsPharmacol ResPhytomedicineRencent Pat Anti-CancerRSC Adv RSC Med ChemSci RepSignal Transduct Target TherTechnol Cancer Res TreatTissue CellTheranosticsTher Clin Risk ManagTumor BioWorld J Gastroenterol.