Anping Chen, Nicolaas Groenewold, 2019, “The Effects of China’s Growth Slowdown on Its Provinces: Disentangling the Sources”, Growth and Change, forthcoming. Anping Chen, Nicolaas Groenewold, 2019, “Macroeconomic Shocks in China: Do the Distributional Effects Depend on the Regional Source?”, Annals of Regional Science, 62(1): 69–97. Anping Chen, Nicolaas Groenewold, 2018, “China's 'New Normal': Is the Growth Slowdown Demand- or Supply-Driven?”, China Economic Review, forthcoming. Anping Chen, Nicolaas Groenewold, 2017, “An Increase in the Retirement Age in China: The Regional Economic Effects”, Applied Economics, 49(7): 702-721. Anping Chen, Nicolaas Groenewold, 2015, “Emission Reduction Policy: A Regional Economic Analysis of China”, Economic Modelling, 51:136-152. Anping Chen, Nicolaas Groenewold, 2014, “The Regional Economic Effects of a Reduction in Carbon Emission and an Evaluation of Offsetting Policies in China”, Papers in Regional Science, 93(2):429-453. Anping Chen, Mark D. Partridge, 2013, “When Are Cities Engines of Growth in China? Spread and Backwash Effects across the Urban Hierarchy”, Regional Studies, 47(8):1313-1331. Anping Chen, Nicolaas Groenewold, 2013, “Does Investment Allocation Affect the Inter-Regional Output Gap in China? A Time-Series Investigation”, China Economic Review, 26(1):197-206. Anping Chen, Nicolaas Groenewold, 2010, “Reducing Regional Disparities in China: An Valuation of Alternative Policies”, Journal of Comparative Economics, 38(2): 189-198. Anping Chen, 2010, “Reducing Regional Disparities in China: Is There a Growth Cost?”, China Economic Review, 21(1): 2-13.
Nicolaas Groenewold, Anping Chen, Guoping Lee, 2008, Linkages between China's Regions: Measurement and Policy, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.
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