个人信息![]() |
姓名: 何凌云 部门: 经济学院 性别: 男 职务: 职称: 教授 学位: 博士 毕业院校: 中国科学技术大学 联系电话: 电子邮箱: 办公地址: 通讯地址: 邮编: 传真: 荣誉奖励: 珠江学者,省级青年人才 |
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个人简介暨南大学教授、博导;教育部新世纪优秀人才(2010)、北京市社科理论人才百人工程入选者(2011)、珠江学者特聘教授(2019)、国家社科基金重大项目首席专家(2020)、“中国高被引学者”(2020 年度,理论经济学);担任了世界计算经济学会会刊 Computational Economics (SSCI,SCI) 副主编、编委、客座主编, Fractals (SCI) 共同主编、编委,Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (SSCI) 客座主编,及其他多家SSCI/SCI国际学术期刊的副主编、学术主编、客座主编和编委职务; 兼任了加拿大卡尔加里大学 (University of Calgary)、澳大利亚麦考瑞大学 (Macquarie University)、俄罗斯友谊大学 (RUDN University)、北京理工大学能源与环境研究中心、中国农业大学、南京信息工程大学等国内外著名大学的兼职/客座教授(研究员)、兼职博导、特聘专家,以及中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会理事、能源经济与管理研究分会常务理事等国内、国际学术职务。曾获得多项省部级教研奖励,指导的研究生多人次获得省部级优秀研究生奖励。 主要学术兴趣是能源经济和环境政策, 计算经济学, 复杂系统和复杂性科学等领域. 围绕上述学术兴趣, 近年来作为首席专家或课题主持人,主持了包括国家社科基金重大项目、国家社科基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金、 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划、国家博士后基金、教育部中央高校科研专项等在内的多项国家级和省部级项目; 作为主研人员或共同主持人,参与了国家科技支撑计划、国家发改委委托课题等多项国家级重大和省部级科研课题。近年来在《经济研究》,《中国工业经济》,《世界经济文汇》,Energy Economics, Applied Economics, Transport Policy, Transportation Research D: Transport and Environment, Energy Policy, International Review of Economics and Finance, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, China Economic Review, Journal of Policy Modelling等等国外顶尖或权威期刊发表/接受了130 余篇,以及 Springer出版社、科学出版社、经济科学出版社、经济管理出版社等国内外出版社出版中英文学术著作4部、参编教材和著作3部. 学习经历• 2004年9月 – 2007年5月, 中国科学技术大学管理学院和中国科学院科技政策与管理科学研究所联合培养博士研究生, 研究方向为复杂系统与复杂性研究, 获管理学博士学位 • 2000年9月 – 2003年1月, 南昌大学计算中心计算机软件与理论专业, 专业方向为遗传算法的理论与应用, 获工学硕士学位 • 1993年9月 – 1997年7月, 南昌大学外语系英语专业, 获文学士学位 工作经历• 2016 年 4 月 – 至今, 暨南大学经济学院, 博导, 教授 • 2020 年1月--2020 年2月, 新西兰 Lincoln University 商学院访问教授 • 2007 年 7 月 – 2016 年 4 月, 历任中国农业大学经管学院讲师, 副教授, 硕导, 博导, 教授 • 2012 年 1 月 – 2013 年 1 月, Department of Economics, University of Calgary, Canada 访问学者 • 2008 年 9 月 – 2013 年 6 月, 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院博士后流动站系统科学方向委培博士后 研究方向 能源经济和环境政策, 计算经济学, 复杂系统和复杂性科学
主要论文部分论文(*代表通讯作者): Geng HUANG, Ling-Yun HE*, Xi LIN (2022). Robot adoption and energy performance: Evidence from Chinese industrial firm. Energy Economics, forthcoming. Ling-Yun HE*, Geng HUANG (2022). Are China's trade interests overestimated? The role of pollution emissions. China Economic Review, forthcoming. Ling-Yun HE*, Ni-Ni CHEN (2022). Official Turnover and Local Air Quality in the Context of the Changing Political Focuses. China & World Economy, forthcoming. Ling-Yun HE*, Hong-Zhen ZHANG (2022). Does Firm's Philanthropy Lead to More Missions: Theory and evidence. China Agricultural Economic Review, forthcoming. Jian-Xin Wu, Ling-Yun He*, ZhongXiang Zhang *(2022). On the co-evolution of PM2.5 concentrations and income in China: A joint distribution dynamics approach. Energy Economics, 105 (Jan.), 105706: 1 -- 12. Ling-Yun HE*, Geng HUANG (2021). How can export improve firms' energy efficiency? The role of innovation investment. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 59 (Dec.), 90--97. Jia-Jia Ou & Ling-Yun He* (2021). The Price of Pollution? A Distance Function Approach to Valuing Multiple Pollutants in China. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 57(4), 1050-1067. Li Liu, Ling-Yun He*(2021). Output and Welfare Effect of Green Credit in China: Evidence from an estimated DSGE model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 294 (Feb.), 126326: 1 -- 14. Ling-Yun HE, Xi LIN (2021). Trade Imbalance, Heterogeneous Firms and Pollution Emissions: Evidence From China's Manufacturing Sector. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 57(4, 23 Feb), 1008 -- 1033. Ling-Yun He*, Hong-Zhen Zhang (2021). Spillover or crowding out? The effects of environmental regulation on residents' willingness to pay for environmental protection. Natural Hazards, (10), 1 -- 20. Ling-Yun He*, Xi Lin, Qiren Liu (2020) How Did Free Trade Reshape the Transitional China? Evidence from Heterogeneous Exporters and Firm-Level Pollution Emissions. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 56(8), 1651-1676. 陈素梅, 何凌云* (2020). 相对贫困减缓、环境保护与健康保障的协同推进研究.《中国工业经济》, (10), 62-80. Ling-Yun HE, Xi LIN, Zhongxiang ZHANG (2020). The impact of de-globalization on China's economic transformation: evidence from manufacturing export. Journal of Policy modeling, 42 (5--6), 628--660. Ling-Yun HE*, Geng HUANG (2020). Processing Trade and Energy Efficiency: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Firms. Journal of Cleaner Production, 276 (12), 122507. Ling-Yun HE*, Liang WANG (2020). Distinct Exporters and the Environment: Empirical Evidence from China Manufacturing. Journal of Cleaner Production, 258 (6), 120614: 1 -- 10. Ling-Yun HE*, Li LIU, Yu Ouyang, Lanlan LI (2020). Consumer Demand, Pollutant Emissions and Public Health under Increasing Block Tariffs and Time-of-Use Pricing Policies for Household Electricity in China. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 56(13), 2993-3014. Su-Mei CHEN, Ling-Yun HE* (2019). Taxation and “Environment-Health-Poverty'' Trap: A Policy Experiment Perspective. China and World Economy, 27 (1), 72 -- 92. ZHAO Lu-Tao, Ling-Yun HE* (2021). Predicting Oil Prices: An Analysis of Oil Price Volatility Cycle and Financial Markets. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, (57, 4), 1068-1087. Yue-Jun ZHANG, Ting YAO, Ling-Yun HE*, Ronald Ripple (2018). Forecasting crude oil market volatility: can the Regime Switching GARCH model beat the single regime GARCH models?. International Review of Economics and Finance, 59 (January), 302 -- 317. Lu-Tao Zhao, Zi-Jie Wang, Shu-Ping Wang, Ling-Yun He* (2021) Predicting Oil Prices: An Analysis of Oil Price Volatility Cycle and Financial Markets. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 57(4), 1068-1087. Ling-Yun HE*, Hua-Qing Wu (2020). Macroeconomic Dynamics and Modelling on Chinese Economy. Computational Economics, 55(4), 1045--1046. 仇泸毅, 何凌云* (2020). 政策脱轨效应:环境政策评估新体系. 《产经评论》, (2), 8 -- 95. Quande Qin, Huangda He, Li Li, Ling-Yun HE* (2020). A Novel Decomposition-Ensemble Based Carbon Price Forecasting Model Integrated with Local Polynomial Prediction. Computational Economics, 55(4), 1275-1299. Lu-Tao Zhao, Guan-Rong Zeng, Ling-Yun HE*, Ya Meng (2020). Forecasting Short-Term Oil Price with a Generalised Pattern Matching Model Based on Empirical Genetic Algorithm. Computational Economics, 55(4), 1151--1169. Ling-Yun HE, Li LIU (2018). Stand by or Follow? Responsibility diffusion effects of green credit in China. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 54 (8), 1740 - 1760. Jian-Xing WU, Ling-Yun HE* (2018). Urban-rural gap and poverty traps in China: A prefecture level analysis. Applied Economics, 50 (30), 3300 - 3314. Ling-Yun HE, Bingdong HOU, Hua LIAO (2018). Rural Energy Policy in China: Achievements, Challenges and Ways Forward During the 40 Year Rural Reform. China Agricultural Economic Review, 10 (2), 224 -- 240. Lu-Tao ZHAO, Ling-Yun HE*, Lei CHENG, Guan-Rong ZENG, Zhimin HUANG (2018). The effect of gasoline consumption tax on consumption and carbon emissions during a period of low oil prices. Journal of Cleaner Production, 171, 1429 -- 1436. 何凌云*, 仇泸毅 (2018). 消费者环保意识与政府环境规制的关系与边界. 《环境经济研究》, 3 (4), 10 -- 22. Li LIU, Ling-Yun HE* (2017). Application of Flexible Function Forms in Climate Change Research: theoretical regularity and model selection. Journal of Cleaner Production, 165, 1115 -- 1124. 陈素梅, 何凌云* (2017). 环境、健康与经济增长:最优能源税收入分配研究. 《经济研究》, (4), 120 -- 134. Ling-Yun HE*, Jia-Jia OU (2016). Taxing sulphur dioxide emissions: a policy evaluation from public health perspective in China. Energy and Environment, 27 (6–7), 755 – 764. Ling-Yun HE, Lu-Yi QIU (2016). Transport demand, harmful emissions, environment and health co-benefits in China. Energy Policy, 97 (10), 267 – 275. Ling-Yun HE*, Lin-Qian HOU, Sao-Fu DU, Hai LIN (2016). Biofuels or Hybrid Vehicles? A Scenario Perspective in China. Energy Sources B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 11 (5), 443 – 449. Sheng YANG, Ling-Yun HE* (2016). Transport Pollution in China — Evidence from Beijing. Energy and Environment, 27 (3 – 4), 377 – 388. Sheng YANG, Ling-Yun HE* (2016). Fuel demand, road transport pollution emissions and residents’ health losses in the transitional China. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 42 (January), 45 – 59. Su-Mei CHEN, Ling-Yun HE* (2014). Welfare loss of China's PM2.5 pollution: How to make personal vehicle transportation policy?. China Economic Review, 31 (4), 106 – 118. Ling-Yun HE*, Sheng YANG, Zhi-Hong HAN, Wen-Si XIE (2014). Contemporaneous and asymmetric properties in the price-volume relationships in China's agricultural futures markets. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 50 (1), 148 – 166. Shu-Peng CHEN, Ling-Yun HE* (2013). Bubble Formation and Heterogeneity of Traders: a New Perspective from Multi-Agent Simulations. Computational Economics, 42 (3), 267 - 289. (Lead article) Su-Mei CHEN, Ling-Yun HE* (2013). Deregulation or governmental regulation?A counterfactual perspective on China's electricity market reform. China and World Economy, 20 (4), 101 – 120. Ling-Yun HE*, Yu CHEN (2013). Thou shalt drive electric and hybrid vehicles: Scenario analysis on energy saving and emission mitigation for the road transportation sector in China. Transport Policy, 25, 30 – 40. Ling-Yun HE*, Wen-Si XIE (2012). Who Has the Final Say? Market Power versus Price Discovery in China Sugar Spot and Futures Markets. China Agricultural Economic Review, 4 (3), 379 – 390. 陈素梅, 何凌云* (2012). 政府与市场的合理边界 --- 从中国电力市场化改革的视角. 《世界经济文汇》, 1 (5), 1 -- 15. Ling-Yun HE (2010). Is price behavior scaling and multiscaling in a Dealer Market? Perspectives from Multi-agent Based Experiments. Computational Economics, 36 (3), 263 – 282. Ling-Yun HE, Ying FAN, Yi-Ming WEI (2009). Impact of Speculators’ Expectations of Returns and Time Scales of Investment on Crude Oil Price Behaviors. Energy Economics, 31 (1), 77 – 84. 主要著作刘丽, 何凌云 (2022).《中国绿色信贷的产出与福利效应研究》. 北京:经济科学出版社. 林熙, 何凌云 (2021). 《贸易壁垒、企业出口与环境污染》. 北京: 经济管理科学出版社. 陈素梅,何凌云(2020). 《基于经济、环境、健康的中国燃油税研究》. 北京:经济科学出版社. Jie Cao, Ling-Yun He, Guangxi Cao (2018). 《Multifractal Detrended Analysis Method and Its Application in Financial Markets》. Berlin: Springer. 何凌云, 魏一鸣 (2010). WTI 原油价格动力学的多重分形谱分析. 见: 《应对气候变化――能源与社会经济协调发展》, 魏一鸣主编. 北京: 中国环境科学出版社. 魏一鸣等 (2009). 《中国能源报告 (2006) 战略与政策研究》. 北京: 科学出版社. (参编) 承担课题• 部分主持项目
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荣誉奖励 珠江学者,省级青年人才