个人信息![]() |
姓名: 韦玉明 部门: 物理与光电工程学院 性别: 男 职务: 职称: 绿色通道聘副高 学位: 博士 毕业院校: 中山大学 联系电话: 13610337980 电子邮箱: weiym280@jnu.edu.cn 办公地址: 暨南大学蒙民伟楼403 通讯地址: 暨南大学蒙民伟楼403 邮编: 510632 传真: 荣誉奖励: |
联系方式邮箱:weiym280@jnu.edu.cn or weiym8@mail.sysu.edu.cn 手机:13610337980 |
个人简介韦玉明,2014年本科毕业于中山大学,同年9月保送进入中山大学直博,主要从事量子光学器件设计和微纳光学测量方面的研究,在国际著名学术期刊Nature Nanotechnology、Physical Review Letters、Light, Science & Applications、Nano Letters、Photonics Research等发表论文20余篇,总引用逾1100次。其中2019年参与发表于Nature Nanotechnology上关于高品质纠缠光子源的工作入选2019年“中国光学十大进展”。2021年参与发表于Nature Nanotechnology 上高亮度轨道角动量单光子固态量子光源的工作入选2021年度“中国半导体十大研究进展”。 欢迎光电(光学工程、光学)、物理、电子等相关专业的同学加入本人所在研究团队。 学习经历2010-2014 中山大学 光信息科学与技术(本科) 理学学士 2014-2019 中山大学 光学(直博) 理学博士 工作经历2019.12-2022.01 中山大学 博士后 2022.03-2023.06 中山大学 科研助理 2023.07-至今 暨南大学 副教授 研究方向量子器件的调控与表征、光与微结构材料相互作用、量子点光源、光学微腔设计和制备 主要论文一作/共一/通讯: 1. Y. Wei#, S. Liu#, X. Li, Y. Yu, X. Su, S. Li, X. Shang, H. Liu, H. Hao, H. Ni, S. Yu, Z. Niu, J. I. Smith, J. Liu* and X. Wang, Tailoring solid-state single-photon sources with stimulated emissions, Nature Nanotechnology 17(5), 470-476 (2022). 2. B. Chen#, Y. Wei#, T. Zhao, S. Liu, R. Su*, B. Yao, Y. Yu, J. Liu* and X. Wang*, Bright solid-state sources for single photons with orbital angular momentum, Nature Nanotechnology 16 (3), 302-307 (2021). 3. S. Liu#, Y. Wei#, X. Li, Y. Yu*, J. Liu*, S. Yu and X. Wang, Dual-resonance enhanced quantum light-matter interactions in deterministically coupled quantum-dot- micropillars, Light, Science & Applications 10 (1), 158 (2021). 4. S. Xu#, Y. Wei#, R. Su, X. Li, P. Huang, S. Liu, X. Huang, Y. Yu, J. Liu* and X. Wang, Bright single-photon sources in the telecom band by deterministically coupling single quantum dots to a hybrid circular Bragg resonator, Photonics Research, 10(8), B1 (2022). 5. Y. Wei, Y. Yu*, J. Wang, L. Liu, H. Q. Ni, Z. C. Niu, J. T. Li*, X. H. Wang and S. Y. Yu, Structural discontinuity induced surface second harmonic generation in single, thin zinc-blende GaAs nanowires, Nanoscale 9 (41), 16066-16072 (2017). 6. Y. Wei, T. Zhao, B. Yao, R. Su, Y. Yu*, J. Liu* and X. Wang, Bright and highly-polarized single-photon sources in visible based on droplet-epitaxial GaAs quantum dots in photonic crystal cavities, Optical Materials Express 10 (1), 170 (2019). 7. Y. Hua#, Y. Wei#, B. Chen#, Z. Liu, Z. He, Z. Xing, S. Liu, P. Huang, Y. Chen*, Y. Gao* and J. Liu*, Directional and Fast Photoluminescence from CsPbI3 Nanocrystals Coupled to Dielectric Circular Bragg Gratings, Micromachines 12 (4), 422 (2021). 8. Z. Liu#, J. Wang#, B. Chen, Y. Wei*, W. Liu and J. Liu*, Giant Enhancement of Continuous Wave Second Harmonic Generation from Few-Layer GaSe Coupled to High-Q Quasi Bound States in the Continuum, Nano Letters 21 (17), 7405-7410 (2021).
参与工作(部分): 1. J. Liu#, R. Su#, Y. Wei, B. Yao, S. Silva, Y. Yu, J. Iles-Smith, K. Srinivasan, A. Rastelli*, J. Li* and X. Wang*, A solid-state source of strongly entangled photon pairs with high brightness and indistinguishability, Nature Nanotechnology 14 (6), 586-593 (2019). 2. X. Li#, S. Liu#, Y. Wei, J. Ma, C. Song, Y. Yu, R. Su, W. Geng, H. Ni, H. Liu, X. Su, Z. Niu*, Y. L. Chen*, J. Liu*, Bright semiconductor single-photon sources pumped by heterogeneously integrated micropillar lasers with electrical injections, Light, Science & Applications 12 (1), 65 (2023). 3. Z. He, B. Chen, Y. Hua, Z. Liu, Y. Wei, S. Liu, A. Hu, X. Shen, Y. Zhang*, Y. Gao* and J. Liu*, CMOS Compatible High‐Performance Nanolasing Based on Perovskite–SiN Hybrid Integration, Advanced Optical Materials 8 (15), 2000453 (2020). 4. H. Fang, J. Liu, Q. Lin, R. Su, Y. Wei, T. F. Krauss, J. Li*, Y. Wang* and X. Wang, Laser‐Like Emission from a Sandwiched MoTe2Heterostructure on a Silicon Single‐Mode Resonator, Advanced Optical Materials 7 (20), 1900538 (2019). 5. R. Su, S. Liu, Y. Wei, Y. Yu*, J. Liu*, S. Yu and X. Wang, Bright and pure single-photons from quantum dots in micropillar cavities under up-converted excitation, Science Bulletin 63 (12), 739-742 (2018). 6. L. Jiang#, R. Liu#, R. Su, Y. Yu, H. Xu, Y. Wei, Z. K. Zhou* and X. Wang, Continuous wave pumped single-mode nanolasers in inorganic perovskites with robust stability and high quantum yield, Nanoscale 10 (28), 13565-13571 (2018). 7. R. Liu#, Z. K. Zhou#, Y. C. Yu, T. Zhang, H. Wang, G. Liu, Y. Wei, H. Chen and X. H. Wang*, Strong Light-Matter Interactions in Single Open Plasmonic Nanocavities at the Quantum Optics Limit, Physical Review Letters 118 (23), 237401 (2017). 8. Y. Yu*, Y.-M. Wei, J. Wang, J.-H. Li, X.-J. Shang, H.-Q. Ni, Z.-C. Niu, X.-H. Wang and S.-Y. Yu, Large optical Stark shifts in single quantum dots coupled to core–shell GaAs/AlGaAs nanowires, Nanoscale 9 (17), 5483-5488 (2017). 9. Y. Yu*, J. Wang, Y. Wei, Z.-K. Zhou, H.-Q. Ni, Z.-C. Niu, X.-H. Wang*, S.-Y. Yu, Precise characterization of self-catalyzed III-V nanowire heterostructures via optical second harmonic generation, Nanotechonlogy 28, 395701 (2017). 10. S. Liu, Y. Wei, R. Su, R. Su, B. Ma, Z. Chen, H. Ni, Z. Niu, Y. Yu*, Y. Wei*, X. Wang and S. Yu, A deterministic quantum dot micropillar single photon source with >65% extraction efficiency based on fluorescence imaging method, Scientific Reports 7 (1), 13986 (2017). 主要著作承担课题主持博士后科学基金一项 主持广东省区域联合青年基金一项 参与包括国家重点研发计划在内的重点项目多项 发明专利讲授课程《信号与系统》《应用光学》《研究生论文写作与学术规范》
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