

 1.Whole Genome Sequencing of the Strain Microbacterium sp. China, a Novel Peach Gum-degrading Species Isolated from the South China. In BASIC & CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & TOXICOLOGY,2020,8
 2.A novel inducible acute hyperglycemia mouse model for assessing 6-KTP,BIOMEDICAL REPORTS,2019.6
 3.Human cytomegalovirus UL23 inhibitstranscription of interferon-γ stimulated genesand blocks antiviralinterferon-γ responses byinteracting with human N-myc interactor protein,PLOS PATHOGENS,2018,1(co-author)
 4.Modulating Glyoxalase I Metal Selectivity by Deletional Mutagenesis: Underlying Structural Factors Contributing to Nickel Activation Profiles,Uthaiwan Suttisansanee;Metallomics, 2015(co-author)
 5. Ni2+-activated glyoxalase I from Escherichia coli: substrate specificity, kinetic isotope effects and evolution within the βαβββsuperfamily, Journal of inorganic biochemistry, 2011(co-author)