1. Linker-Extended Native Cyanovirin-N Facilitates PEGylation and Potently Inhibits HIV-1 by Targeting the Glycan Ligand. PLOS ONE 2014.
2. Anti-herpes simplex virus efficacies of 2-aminobenzamide derivatives as novel HSP90 inhibitorsBioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters2012.
3. 3D-QSAR Studies on Thiazolidin-4-one S1P1 Receptor Agonists by CoMFA and CoMSIAInternationalJournal of Molecular Sciences 2011.
4. A Cys/Ser mutation of NDPK-A stabilizes its oligomerization state and enhances its activityJournal ofBiochemistry2010.
5. Protective Effects of 20(S)-Protopanaxtriol on Viral Myocarditis Infected by Coxsackievirus B3.Pathobiology2012
6. Expression, purification and activity determination of cyanovirin-N Chinese journal of biotechnology 2010.
7. Soluble cytoplasmic expression, rapid purification, and characterization of cyanovirin-N as a His-SUMO fusion APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY2010.
8. Chitosan nanoparticles as non-viral gene delivery vehicles based on atomic force microscopy study ACTA BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA SINICA 2009.
9. Transient Expression of Recombinant sPDGFR alpha-Fc in CHO DG44 Cells using 50-mL Orbitally Shaking Disposable BioreactorsPROTEIN AND PEPTIDE LETTERS2010.
10. Pentagalloylglucose downregulates cofilin1 and inhibits HSV-1 infection ANTIVIRAL RESEARCH2011.
11. Synthesis and in vitro anti-HSV-1 activity of a novel Hsp90 inhibitor BJ-B11BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS2011.