(1)Xuejuan Gao#., Junxia Feng#., Yujiao He#., Fengmei Xu., Xiaoqin Fan., Wensi Huang., Haiting Xiong., Qiuyu Liu., Wanting Liu., Xiaohui Liu., Xuesong Sun., Qing-Yu He., Qihao Zhang*., Langxia Liu*, hnRNPK inhibits GSK3β Ser9 phosphorylation, thereby stabilizing c-FLIP and contributes to TRAIL resistance in H1299 lung adenocarcinoma cells, Sci. Rep, 2016, 6:22999.
(2)Xuejuan Gao#., Fengmei Xu#., Huan-Tian Zhang., Miaojuan Chen., Wensi Huang., Qihao Zhang., Qingzhong Zeng., Langxia Liu*, PKCα/GSK3b/NF-κB signaling pathway and the possible involvement of TRIM21 in TRAIL-induced apoptosis, Biochem Cell Biol.,2016, 94(3):256-264.
(3)Xuejuan Gao#., Songsong Dan#., Yingying Xie., Huanhuan Qin., Donge Tang., Xiaohui Liu., Qing-Yu He., Langxia Liu*,14-3-3ζ reduces DNA damage by interacting with and stabilizing proliferating cell nuclear antigen,J Cell Biochem,2015,116(1):158-169. doi: 10.1002/jcb.24955
(4)Cuihua Wang#., Xuejuan Gao#., Shengyou Liao., Junxia Feng., Bin Luo., Langxia Liu*, Transcriptome analysis of human breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and MDA-MB-435 by RNA-Seq, Molecular Biology, 2015, 49(2):244-252.
(5)Xuejuan Gao#., Yujiao He#., Ling-Mei Gao., Junxia Feng., Yingying Xie., Xiaohui Liu., Langxia Liu*, Ser9-phosphorylated GSK3β induced by 14-3-3ζ actively antagonizes cell apoptosis in a NF-κB dependent manner,Biochem Cell Biol,2014, 92(5):349-56.doi: 10.1139/bcb-2014-0065.
(6)Xuejuan Gao#., Junxia Feng#., Sen Zhu., Xiaohui Liu., Isabelle Tardieux., Langxia Liu*, Protein Phosphatase 2C of Toxoplasma Gondii Interacts with Human SSRP1 and Negatively Regulates Cell Apoptosis, Biomed Environ Sci,2014, 27(11):883-93. doi: 10.3967/bes2014.130.
(7)Miaojuan Chen#., Xuejuan Gao#., Lina Xu., Tengfei Liu., Xiaohui Liu.,Langxia Liu*, Ezrin is required for epithelial-mesenchymal transition induced by TGF-β
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(9)Xuejuan Gao., Da Xing*.,Lei Liu.,Yonghong Tang, H-Ras and PI3K are required for the formation of circular dorsal ruffles induced by low power laser irradiation. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2009, 219: 535–543
(10)Xuejuan Gao., Da Xing*, Molecular mechanisms of cell proliferation induced by low power laser irradiation. Journal of Biomedical Science, 2009, 16:4, doi:10.1186/1423-0127-16-4
(11)Xuejuan Gao., Da Xing*., Yihui Pei., Fang Wang, Dynamic activation of H-Ras induced by low power laser irradiation in living cells, Proc SPIE. 2007, 6534, 65341D-1-8 (EI indexed).
(12)Xuejuan Gao., Tongsheng Chen., Da Xing*., Fang Wang., Yihui Pei., Xunbin Wei, Single Cell Analysis of PKC Activation During Proliferation and Apoptosis Induced by Laser Irradiation. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2006, 206:441–448
(13)Xuejuan Gao., Da Xing*., Tongsheng Chen, Dynamic interaction between
(14)Xuejuan Gao., Fang Wang., Da Xing*, Molecular Imaging of Low-Power Laser Irradiation Induced Cell Proliferation, Proc SPIE,2006,6087, 60870N-1-12 (EI indexed).
(15)Xuejuan Gao., Tongsheng Chen., Da Xing*., and Fang Wang, Imaging of Protein Kinase C Activation by FRET During Proliferation Induced by Low-Energy Laser Irradiation in Living Cells, Proc SPIE,2005, 5630, 593-598 (EI indexed).
(1)Zeng QZ, Liu WT, Lu JL, Liu XH, Zhang YF, Liu LX*, Gao XJ*. YWHAZ Binds to TRIM21 but Is Not Involved in TRIM21-stimulated Osteosarcoma Cell Proliferation. Biomed Environ Sci. 2018 Mar;31(3):186-196. doi: 10.3967/bes2018.024.
(2)Huang WS, Xu FM, Zeng QZ, Xiaohui Liu, Xuejuan Gao *, Langxia Liu *, ERK1/2-mediated Cytoplasmic Accumulation of hnRNPK Antagonizes TRAIL-induced Apoptosis through Upregulation of XIAP in H1299 Cells. Biomed Environ Sci. 2017, 30(7):473-481.
(3)Xiaoqin Fan#., Jinmei Wei#., Haiting Xiong., Xiaohui Liu., Serge Benichou*., Xuejuan Gao*., Langxia Liu*, A homogeneous time-resolved fluorescence-based high-throughput screening for discovery of inhibitors of Nef-sdAb19 interaction, Int J Oncol,2015, 47(4): 1485-1493.
3. 参与论文
(1)Li Z, Liu X, Ma J, Zhang T, Gao X, Liu L. hnRNPK modulates selective quality-control autophagy by downregulating the expression of HDAC6 in 293 cells. Int J Oncol. 2018 Nov;53(5):2200-2212. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2018.4517.
(2)Liang GH, Liu N, He MT, Yang J, Liang ZJ, Xuejuan Gao, Rahhal AH, He QY, Zhang HT, Zha ZG, Transcriptional regulation of Runx2 by HSP90 controls osteosarcoma apoptosis via the AKT/GSK-3β/β-catenin signaling. J. Cell. Biochem., 2017, doi: 10.1002/jcb.26260.
(3)Zhang HT, Yang J, Liang GH, Xuejuan Gao, Sang Y, Gui T, Liang ZJ, Tam MS, Zha ZG, Andrographolide Induces Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis of Chondrosarcoma by Targeting TCF-1/SOX9 Axis. J. Cell. Biochem., 2017, 118:4575-4586.
(4)Jia HL, Liu CW, Zhang L, Xu WJ, Xuejuan Gao, Bai J, Xu YF, Xu MG, Zhang G, Sets of serum exosomal microRNAs as candidate diagnostic biomarkers for Kawasaki disease. Sci. Rep., 2017, 7:44706.
(5)Xiaoqin Fan#., Haiting Xiong#., Jinmei Wei., Xuejuan Gao., Yuan Feng., Xiaohui Liu.,