1、Ferulic acid alleviates the symptoms of diabetes in obese rats JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS,JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS,2014.07.01 00:00:00,彭喜春,540,7
2、Possible adducts formed between hydroxymethylfurfural and selected amino acids, and their release in simulated gastric model INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2016.04.01 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,3
3、Structural changes of waxy and normal maize starches modified by heat moisture treatment and their relationship with starch digestibility CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS,2017.12.01 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,8
4、Effects of dietary fibers and their mixtures on short chain fatty acids and microbiota in mice guts FOOD & FUNCTION,FOOD & FUNCTION,2013.06.01 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,1
5、Preparation and Properties of Enzyme-Modified Cassava Starch-Zinc Complexes JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY,JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY,2013.05.15 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,5
6、Isolation and Identification of Quercetin Degrading Bacteria from Human Fecal Microbes PLOS ONE,PLOS ONE,2014.03.04 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,2
7、Protection of Feruloylated Oligosaccharides from Corn Bran against Oxidative Stress in PC 12 Cells JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY,JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY,2014.01.22 00:00:00,彭喜春,050,8
8、Lean rats gained more body weight from a high-fructooligosaccharide diet FOOD & FUNCTION,FOOD & FUNCTION,2015.01.01 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,6
9、Starch nanoparticles prepared in a two ionic liquid based microemulsion system and their drug loading and release properties RSC ADVANCES,RSC ADVANCES,2016.01.01 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,4
10、Plant polyphenols alter a pathway of energy metabolism by inhibiting fecal Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes in vitro FOOD & FUNCTION,FOOD & FUNCTION,2016.01.01 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,8
11、Angiotensin-I-Converting Enzyme Inhibitory Activities and In Vivo Antihypertensive Effects of Sardine Protein Hydrolysate JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE,JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE,2016.11.01 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,7
12、Preparation and properties of octenyl succinate beta-cyclodextrin and its application as an emulsion stabilizer FOOD CHEMISTRY,FOOD CHEMISTRY,2017.03.01 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,6
13、Different Flavonoids Can Shape Unique Gut Microbiota Profile In Vitro JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE,JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE,2016.09.01 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,7
14、Impact and consequences of polyphenols and fructooligosaccharide interplay on gut microbiota in rats FOOD & FUNCTION,FOOD & FUNCTION,2017.05.01 00:00:00,彭喜春,520,9
15、Effect of microwave irradiation on internal molecular structure and physical properties of waxy maize starch FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS,FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS,2017.08.01 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,7
16、Synthesis of starch nanoparticles in a novel microemulsion with two ILs substituting two phases JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE,2016.08.01 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,4
17、Effect of egg albumen protein addition on physicochemical properties and nanostructure of gelatin from fish skin JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-MYSORE,JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-MYSORE,2016.12.01 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,3
18、Continuously Ingesting Fructooligosaccharide Can't Maintain Rats' Gut Bifidobacterium at a High Level JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE,JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE,2015.11.01 00:00:00,彭喜春,520,6
19、Lean rats gained more body weight than obese ones from a high-fibre diet BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION,BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION,2015.10.28 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,7
20、Preparation of ferulic acid from corn bran: Its improved extraction and purification by membrane separation FOOD AND BIOPRODUCTS PROCESSING,FOOD AND BIOPRODUCTS PROCESSING,2014.07.01 00:00:00,彭喜春,050,6
21、Impact of polyphenols combined with high-fat diet on rats' gut microbiota JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS,JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS,2016.10.01 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,8
22、The functions of gut Clostridum spp. in over-ingesting energy of body,Modern Food Science and Technology,2014.01.01 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,1
23、Phenolic Fractions from Muscadine Grape "Noble" Pomace can Inhibit Breast Cancer Cell MDA-MB-231 Better than those from European Grape "Cabernet Sauvignon" and Induce S-Phase Arrest and Apoptosis,JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE,2017.05.01 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,4
24、Isolation and Identification of Quercetin Degrading Bacteria from Human Fecal Microbes,PLOS ONE,2014.03.04 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,2
25、Effect of aqueous extracts of six flavoring materials on the construction of two rats' colonic bacteria,Modern Food Science and Technology,2013.07.01 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,3
26、肠道梭菌在机体能量过度摄入中的作用,现代食品科技,2014.03.15 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,1
27、溶藻弧菌的毒力相关基因及其对小鼠的致病力,微生物学报,2014.01.04 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,2
28、采用膜分离法从玉米皮中制备阿魏酸的研究,食品工业科技,2013.09.04 00:00:00,彭喜春,050,6
29、肉桂精油对大鼠肠道梭菌属Ⅳ簇菌群和拟杆菌群的影响,中草药,2013.02.28 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,1
30、中性大蒜果聚糖体外发酵产短链脂肪酸,食品与发酵工业,2013.01.31 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,4
31、地区科学基金对地区农业科研人才培养和农业科技进步作用的分析,生命科学,2012.01.15 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,5
32、3种不溶性复合膳食纤维对小鼠肠道内短链脂肪酸产生的影响,食品科学,2012.02.15 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,6
33、从基金申请和资助情况分析我国食品营养学基础研究发展状况,中国食品学报,2012.01.31 00:00:00,彭喜春,010080,3
34、Preparation and properties of octenyl succinate β-cyclodextrin and its application as an emulsion stabilizer,Food Chemistry,2017.03.01 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,6
35、双酶法制备沙丁鱼ACE抑制肽的工艺研究,食品工业科技,2015.04.09 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,2
36、Phenolic Fractions from Muscadine Grape "Noble" Pomace can Inhibit Breast Cancer Cell MDA-MB-231 Better than those from European Grape "Cabernet Sauvignon" and Induce S-Phase Arrest and Apoptosis JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE,JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE,2017.05.01 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,4
37、Purification and Structural Characterization of a Novel Water-Soluble Neutral Polysaccharide from Cantharellus cibarius and Its Immunostimulating Activity in RAW264.7 Cells INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2017.01.01 00:00:00,彭喜春,500,2