

1.         Yongmin Qiao*, Yang Yang, Jiangang Zhao, Ran Tao, Ronghua Xu. Influence of urbanization and industrialization on metal enrichment of sediment cores from Shantou Bay, South China. Environmental Pollution, 2013, 182: 28-36.

2.         Yongmin Qiao*, Yang Yang, Jiguang Gu, Jiangang Zhao. Distribution and geochemical speciation of heavy metals in sediments from coastal area suffered rapid urbanization, a case study of Shantou Bay, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2013, 68: 140–146.

3.         Yongmin Qiao*, Hong Pan, Yang Yang, Jiguang Gu and Jiangang Zhao. Distribution and accumulation of heavy metals in surface sediments from a subtropical bay affected by the Special Economic Zone, China. Water Science & Technology, 2013, 67 (9): 2009-2016.

4.         Yongmin Qiao, Yang Yang, Zhenqian Liu, Ran Tao. Heavy metal sources and associated risk in response to rapid urbanization in surface sediments of Shantou Bay, South China. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, Vols. 518-523: 977-981.

5.         Yongmin Qiao, Yang Yang, Zhenqian Liu, Ming Wang. Spatial distribution and accumulation of heavy metals in surface sediments from a city river in Pearl River Delta, China. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, (iCBBE) 2011 5th International Conference, 5473-5477.

6.         乔永民、谭键滨、马舒欣、赵建刚、吴苑玲、杜欢. 深圳红树林湿地沉积物氮磷分布与来源分析. 环境科学与技术,2018412):34-40.

7.         乔永民、郭佳、杨骏、朱毅、余翔、张渊明、马舒欣. 洱海湖滨带与湖中心带表层沉积物磷的形态对比分析与环境学意义. 生态科学, 2017, 36(4): 38-45.

8.         赵建刚, 乔永民*.汕头湾沉积物磷的形态分布与季节变化特征研究. 环境科学,201233(6): 1823-1831. (通迅作者)

9.         赵建刚,乔永民*. 广州市区典型河涌、人工湖营养盐现状调查及评价. 光谱实验室,2012292777-779. (通迅作者)

10.     乔永民,赵建刚,杨扬,顾继光,黄长江. 汕头湾表层沉积物重金属污染与潜在生态风险评价. 生态科学,2010,29(4):312-317.

11.     乔永民,李爱芬,韩博平,赵建刚. 关于生态学本科毕业设计(论文)教学的思考,生态科学,2010, 29(6): 579-581.

12.     乔永民,黄长江,赵建刚. 粤东柘林湾沉积物重金属富集特征与环境质量评价. 海洋环境科学, 2010, 29(3):324-327.

13.     乔永民,顾继光,杨扬,黄长江. 南澳岛海域表层沉积物重金属分布、富集与污染评价. 热带海洋学报, 2010, 29(1):77-84.

14.     乔永民,黄长江,杨扬. 粤东柘林湾沉积物重金属背景值研究. 热带海洋学报, 2009, 28(2): 81-85.

15.     乔永民,黄长江. 汕头湾表层沉积物重金属元素含量和分布特征研究. 海洋学报, 2009, 31(1): 106-115.

16.     乔永民,黄长江. 柘林湾表层沉积物重金属分布与污染初步研究. 海洋科学,2006303):41-45.