个人信息![]() |
姓名: 陈永生 部门: 生命科学技术学院 性别: 男 职务: 教师 职称: 副研究员(自然科学) 学位: 博士 毕业院校: 华南理工大学 联系电话: 15013139558 电子邮箱: chysh11@jnu.edu.cn 办公地址: 第二理工楼533室 通讯地址: 广东省广州市黄埔大道西601号 邮编: 510632 传真: 荣誉奖励: |
联系方式广东省广州市天河区黄埔大道西601号第二理工楼 |
个人简介陈永生,博士,副高。一直围绕着谷物、华南特色茶资源中植物化学物的提取、分离纯化、生物活性(抗氧化、细胞吸收、胃肠道消化、调控葡萄糖代谢等)进行研究。目前,相关研究成果已在Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,Food Chemistry,Journal of Natural Products,Food & Function,Industrial Crops and Products,Journal of Functional Foods等国内外权威刊物上发表论文40余篇(SCI论文33篇),申请发明专利5件,主编教材1部(中国轻工业“十四五”规划教材),参编教材1部。先后主持国家自然科学基金、中国博士后基金、广州市科技计划、广东省企业科技特派员项目等项目10余项。担任FC,JFF,JFE,IJFST,ICP,Sci Rep-UK等SCI权威期刊审稿人。兼任Food Frontiers青年编委;韶关市科学技术协会智库专家;《轻工学报》青年编委会委员,Frontiers in Pharmacology Guest Associate Editor,Frontiers in Nutrition Guest Associate Editor, FOODS Guest Associate Editor。 学习经历工作经历
研究方向1.食品营养安全:天然产物细胞毒性 2.天然产物化学:多酚、黄酮、生物碱 3.经济作物深加工与应用:茶叶、传统茶饮品、南方特色水果及全食物高值化开发 4.功能性食品/特医食品:抗氧化、降血糖、降血脂、肠道吸收 主要论文Zhang Jin; Lv Jinling; Zhuang Guodong; Zhang Junjia; Hu Feng; Chen Yongsheng*. The Evaluation of the Phytochemical Profiles and Antioxidant and α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activities of Four Herbal Teas Originating from China: A Comparative Analysis of Aqueous and Ethanol Infusions. Foods, 2024, 13(11), 1705. (IF2023 4.7, Q1) Li Chao; Peng Yao; Tang Wei; Li Teng; Gatasheh Mansour K.; Ahmed Rasheed Rabab; Fu Junning; He Juping; Wang Wei-Dong; Shen Yingbin; Yang Yichao; Chen Yongsheng*; Mehmood Abbasi Arshad. Antioxidant, Anti-lipidemic, Hypoglycemic and Antiproliferative Effects of phenolics from Cortex Mori Radicis. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2022, 103824. (IF20205.165 Q2) Zhen Shiyu; Chen Si; Geng Sheng; Zhang Hao; Chen Yongsheng*; Liu Benguo. Ultrasound-Assisted Natural Deep Eutectic Solvent Extraction and Bioactivities of Flavonoids in Ampelopsis grossedentata Leaves. Foods, 2022,11, 668. (IF20204.35 Q2) Li Haimei#; Chen Yongsheng#; Peng Qingxia; Tan Xinjia; Chen Guo; Zhou Hua; Yan Rian. Flavonoids from bamboo leaves improve the stability of unsaturated fatty acids in the lipids of walnut emulsions. Industrial Crops and Products, 2022,178, 114609. (IF20205.645 Q1) Chen Wancheng; Yuan Sijie; Shen Jie; Chen Yongsheng*; Xiao Yang. A Composite Hydrogel Based on Pectin/Cellulose via Chemical Cross-Linking for Hemorrhage. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2021,8, 627351. (IF20205.89 Q1) Chen Yongsheng; Shan Sharui; Cao Dongmin; Tang Dan. Steam flash explosion pretreatment enhances soybean seed coat phenolic profiles and antioxidant activity. Food Chemistry, 2020,319, 126552. (IF20207.514 Q1) Chen Yongsheng; Geng Sheng; Liu Benguo. Three common caffeoylquinic acids as potential hypoglycemic nutraceuticals: Evaluation of alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activity and glucose consumption in HepG2 cells. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2020,44, e13361. (IF20202.72 Q3) Chen Yongsheng; Ahmed Al-Ghamdi Abdullah; Elshikh Mohamed S.; Shah Munir H.; Al-Dosary Monerah A.; Abbasi Arshad Mehmood. Phytochemical profiling, antioxidant and HepG2 cancer cells' antiproliferation potential in the kernels of apricot cultivars. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 2020,27, 163-172. (IF20204.219 Q2) Chen Yongsheng; Wang Erpei; Wei Zihao ; Zheng Yanfang ; Yan Rian; Ma Xiang. Phytochemical analysis, cellular antioxidant and alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activities of various herb plant organs. Industrial Crops and Products, 2019,141, 111771. (IF20205.645 Q1) Chen Yongsheng; Liu Jiangwei; Geng Sheng; Liu Yonglan; Ma Hanjun; Zheng Jie; Liu Benguo; Liang Guizhao. Lipase-catalyzed synthesis mechanism of tri-acetylated phloridzin and its antiproliferative activity against HepG2 cancer cells. Food Chemistry, 2019,277, 186-194. (IF20207.514 Q1) Chen Yongsheng; Huang Junqing; Hu Jing; Yan Rian; Ma Xiang. Comparative study on the phytochemical profiles and cellular antioxidant activity of phenolics extracted from barley malts processed under different roasting temperatures. Food and Function, 2019,10, 2176-2185. (IF20205.396 Q1) Chen Yongsheng; Chen Wan-Na; Hu Nan; Banwell Martin G; Ma Chenxi; Gardiner Michael G; Lan Ping. Cytotoxicity and Anti-inflammatory Properties of Apigenin-Derived Isolaxifolin. Journal of Natural Products, 2019,82, 2451-2459. (IF20204.05 Q2) Chen Yongsheng; Lan Ping. Total Syntheses and Biological Evaluation of the Ganoderma lucidum Alkaloids Lucidimines B and C. Acs Omega, 2018,3, 3471-3481. (IF20203.512 Q2) Chen Yongsheng; Shen Yingbin; Fu Xiong; Abbasi Arshad Mehmood; Yan Rian. Stir‐frying treatments affect the phenolics profiles and cellular antioxidant activity of Adinandra nitida tea (Shiyacha) in daily tea model. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2017,52, 1820-1827. (IF20203.713 Q2) Chen Yongsheng; Ma Xiang; Fu Xiong; Yan Rian. Phytochemical content, cellular antioxidant activity and antiproliferative activity of Adinandra nitida tea (Shiyacha) infusion subjected to in vitro gastrointestinal digestion. Rsc Advances, 2017,7, 50430-50440. (IF20203.361 Q2) Chen Yongsheng; Zhang Ruiting; Liu Chong; Zheng Xueling; Liu Benguo. Enhancing antioxidant activity and antiproliferation of wheat bran through steam flash explosion. Journal of Food Science and Technology-Mysore, 2016,53, 3028-3034. (IF20202.701 Q3) Chen Yongsheng; Chen Gu; Fu Xiong; Liu Rui Hai. Phytochemical Profiles and Antioxidant Activity of Different Varieties of Adinandra Tea (Adinandra Jack). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015,63, 169-176. (IF20205.279 Q1) Chen Yongsheng; Wang Gaoyan; Wang Hong; Cheng Chaohua; Zang Gonggu; Guo Xinbo; Liu Rui Hai. Phytochemical Profiles and Antioxidant Activities in Six Species of Ramie Leaves. Plos One, 2014,9, e108140. (IF20203.24 Q2) 傅亮, 吕金羚, 张锦, 庄国栋, 朱勇, 陈永生*. 分子模拟技术在食品组分互作体系及安全领域的应用研究进展. 轻工学报, 2023, 38 (2): 13.(通讯作者) 陈永生, 刘付. 探究式教学模式在食品科学专业课程仪器分析实验教学中的应用实践. 轻工科技, 2022, 38 (04): 125-127. (教学论文) 庄国栋, 汤丹, 陈永生*. 结合态多酚改善肠道氧化应激与肠道屏障的研究进展. 食品工业科技, 2022, 43 (11): 440-448.(通讯作者) 陈永生; 扶雄; 周林; 游丽君; 刘瑞海. 亮叶杨桐叶中酚类物质的抗氧化和抗HepG2细胞增殖作用. 现代食品科技, 2016,8, 14-20. 主要著作 《仪器分析实验指导》,中国轻工业“十四五”规划教材,主编
承担课题1. 2024年广东省农村科技特派员项目,肉桂、茶叶、黑榄(乌榄)产业化加工关键技术提升及技术帮扶,主持 2.2024年广东省研究生教育创新计划项目,食品添加剂制备与应用教学案例库建设,主持 3. 2024年度暨南大学滚动资助教学改革研究项目,“科教融合+案例教学”在仪器分析实验教学中的探索实践(JG2024083),主持 4.2023年度第二批暨南大学“金课”建设项目(港澳台侨特色“金课”专项)-《仪器分析实验》内外合班,主持 5.2022年广东省高等教育教学研究和改革项目,基于工程认证背景下仪器分析实验课程教学改革实践探索,主持 6. 2022年广东省农村科技特派员项目,金灶镇桑葚杨梅保鲜及综合开发技术帮扶-3,主持 7. 2022年度北京工商大学化学与材料工程学科“双一流”学科建设培育项目,基于分子对接解析花色苷与牛乳蛋白均质作用下互作机理,主持 8. 2022年度暨南大学青年教师编写教材资助项目,主持 9. 2022年度暨南大学学科建设优秀青年骨干项目,主持 10.广州市科技计划项目,花色苷和蛋白质自组织规律及其肠道转运机理研究,主持 11. 2021年度花色苷与牛奶蛋白均质作用下互作规律及其消化吸收特性研究,重点实验室开放基金,主持 12. 广东省企业科技特派员项目,佛手调控肠道微生态及糖脂代谢关键技术开发,主持 13. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,炒制麦芽中酚类物质释放特征及其调节肠道上皮细胞氧化应激作用机理的研究,项目编号31901676,主持 14.中国博士后面上资助项目,麦芽中蛋白-酚复合物热稳定性及在胃肠道中转运作用,项目编号2017M622910,主持 发明专利讲授课程本科生课程:《食品添加剂制备与应用》、《食品工程原理》、《食品工程原理实验》、《仪器分析实验》 研究生课程:《食品添加剂制备与应用》 荣誉奖励社会职务广东省食品安全学会监事 广东省化妆品生物技术专业委员会副主任委员 韶关市科学技术协会智库专家 《轻工学报》青年编委会委员 |