

姓名: 刘忠

部门: 生命科学技术学院


职务: 博士生导师

职称: 研究员(自然科学)

学位: 博士

毕业院校: 中山大学

联系电话: 020-85227715

电子邮箱: tliuzh@jnu.edu.cn

办公地址: 暨南大学生命科学技术学院大楼5楼生物医药基地

通讯地址: 广州市黄埔大道西601号暨南大学生命科学技术学院大楼5楼南生物医药基地

邮编: 510632


荣誉奖励: 省级青年人才




刘忠,暨南大学生命科学技术学院研究员、博士生导师,暨南大学化妆品与医美研究院常务副院长,基因工程药物国家工程研究中心副总经理,广东省杰出青年科学基金获得者、广东特支计划科技创新青年拔尖人才、广州市珠江科技新星、暨南“双百英才”杰出青年学者。兼任全国质量监管重点产品检验方法标准化技术委员会化妆品检验方法专业工作组委员,广东省药监局天然产物化妆品原料创新技术研究重点实验室学术委员会主任,广东省化妆品学会副理事长、常务副秘书长、化妆品原料与天然产物专委会主任,广东省生物医学工程学会常务理事、副秘书长,广东省药学会核药学专委会常委,广东省药理学会抗炎免疫药理专委会常委,广州市重大行政决策论证专家,期刊Frontiers in Pharmacology、Molecules客座副主编,国家药品监督管理局主管学术期刊《化妆品与皮肤科学》主编。

主要研究方向为炎症与自身免疫性疾病靶向创新药物研究与开发、医学与化妆品用途生物基材料的绿色生物制造、功能性化妆品研究与开发。作为项目负责人主持了国家自然科学基金3项,广东省自然科学基金项目、广东省科技计划国际合作项目、广东省基础与应用基础研究基金省企联合项目等科研项目13项,与生物医药、化妆品企业合作开展项目30余项。已在Nature Communications、mBio 等SCI国际期刊发表研究论文70余篇,申请专利16项。研究成果获中国产学研合作创新与促进奖、广东省科技进步二等奖




2003-2008,博士,中山大学(2003-2008/ 香港理工大学(2005-2008



2009至今:暨南大学生命科学技术学院/ 生物医药研究院/ 生物医药研究开发基地







[1] Lifeng Chen, Jingjing Zhang, Weibin Xu, Jiayi Chen, Yujun Tang, Si Xiong, Yaolan Li, Hong Zhang*, Manmei Li*, Zhong Liu*, Cholesterol-rich lysosomes induced by respiratory syncytial virus promote viral replication by blocking autophagy flux.Nature Communications. 2024,15(1): 6311.

[2] Kexin Li, Shanrong Shu*, Jiahua Zou, Manmei Li, Zhong Liu*, m6A regulator-mediated methylation modification patterns and tumor immune microenvironment characterization in endometrial cancer. Genes & Diseases. 2023, 10(6): 2278-2281.

[3] Li-Feng Chen #, Jun-Xing Cai #, Jing-Jing Zhang, Yu-Jun Tang, Jia-Yi Chen, Si Xiong, Yao-Lan Li, Hong Zhang*, Zhong Liu*, Man-Mei Li*, Respiratory syncytial virus co-opts hypoxia-inducible factor-1α-mediated glycolysis to favor the production of infectious virus. mBio. 2023,14(5): e0211023.

[4] Ran An, Yu-Qing Li, Yue-Ling Lin, Fang Xu, Man-Mei Li, Zhong Liu*, EZH1/2 as Targets for Cancer Therapy. Cancer Gene Ther. 2023, 30: 221-235.

[5] Wu K#, Liu Z#, Wang W, Zhou F, Cheng Q, Bian Y, Su W, Liu B, Zha J, Zhao J*, Zheng X*, An artificially designed elastin-like recombinant polypeptide improves aging skin. Am J Transl Res. 2022; 14(12): 8562-8571.

[6] Mengting Lin, Yuqing Li, Haiyue Long, Yueling Lin, Zhuo Zhang, Fengyun Zhan, Manmei Li, Chaoxi Wu*, Zhong Liu*, Cell Membrane-Camouflaged DOX-Intercalated Bacterial Glucan nanoparticles for Highly Efficient Cancer Immunochemotherapy. Int J Biol Macromol. 2022, S0141-8130(22):02711-8.

[7] Li-Feng Chen, Wei-Bin Xu, Si Xiong, Jun-Xing Cai, Jing-Jing Zhang, Yao-Lan Li, Man-Mei Li*, Hong Zhang*, Zhong Liu*, PIK-24 Inhibits RSV-Induced Syncytium Formation via Direct Interaction with the p85α Subunit of PI3K. J Virol. 2022, 96(23): e0145322.

[8] Kexin Li#, Jiahua Zou#, Haizhao Yan#, Yuqing Li, Man-Mei Li*, and Zhong Liu*, Pan-cancer analyses reveal multi-omics and clinical characteristics of RIO kinase 2 in cancer. Front Chem. 2022,10:1024670.

[9] Lin M, Long H, Liang M, Chu B, Ren Z, Zhou P, Wu C*, Liu Z*, Wang Y*, Antifracture, Antibacterial, and Anti-inflammatory Hydrogels Consisting of Silver-Embedded Curdlan Nanofibrils. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2021, 13(31):36747-36756.

[10] Chen LF, Xu WB, Li YY, Chen NH, Luo D, Song QY, Tang W, Huang ZG, Li YL*, Liu Z*, Li MM*. Inhibitory Effect of PIK-24 on Respiratory Syncytial Virus Entry by Blocking Phosphatidylinositol-3 Kinase Signaling, Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2020,64(10):e00608-20.

[11] Peng-Chao Zhang#, Xiao Liu#, Man-Mei Li#, Yan-Yan Ma, Hong-Tao Sun, Xu-Yan Tian, Yan Wang, Min Liu, Liang-Shun Fu, Yi-Fei Wang, Hong-Yuan Chen*, Zhong Liu*, AT-533, a novel Hsp90 inhibitor, inhibits breast cancer growth and HIF-1α/VEGF/VEGFR-2-mediated angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo, Biochem Pharmacol. 2020, 172:113771.

[12] P. Zhang, H. Jie, J. Liu, Xin-Yue Zhang, W. Zhang, M. Liu, Yan Wang, Yi-Fei wang, W. Huang*, Z. Liu*, Studies on Substituted Thienopyridine Carbonitriles as Src Inhibitors Using a Comprehensive In Silico Method, Indian J Pharm Sci. 2020;82(2):270-281.

[13] Liang-Shun Fu, Hong-Hong Qiu, Min Liu, Liu-Bing Hu, Yan Wang, Peng-Chao Zhang, Man-Mei Li, Yi-Fei Wang*, Zhong Liu*, SNX-2112, an Hsp90 inhibitor, suppresses cervical cancer cells proliferation, migration, and invasion by inhibiting the Akt/mTOR signaling pathway, Med Chem Res. 2020(29):942-953.

[14] Fang Z#, Wang X#, Sun Y, Fan R, Liu Z*, Guo R*, Xie D*, Sgc8 aptamer targeted glutathione-responsive nanoassemblies containing Ara-C prodrug for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Nanoscale. 2019,11(47):23000-23012.

[15] Hu LB#, Huang WH#, Ding Y#, Liu M, Wang M, Wang Y, Zhang W, Li YL, Ye WC, Li MM*, Liu Z*, PHMH, a diarylheptanoid from Alpinia officinarum attenuates VEGF-induced angiogenesis via inhibition of the VEGFR-2 signaling pathway. Food Funct. 2019. 10: 2605-2617.

[16] Hu LB#, Wang Y#, Chen Z, Fu, LS, Wang S, Zhang XY, Zhang PC, Lu XP, Jie HY, Li MM*, Wang YF*, Liu Z*, Hsp90 Inhibitor SNX-2112 Enhances TRAIL-Induced Apoptosis of Human Cervical Cancer Cells via the ROS-Mediated JNK-p53-Autophagy-DR5 Pathway. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2019, 2019: 9675450.

[17] Wu Y#, Zhang XY#, Li HQ, Deng PF, Li HR, He TQ, Rong JH, Zhao JH*, Liu Z*, A core/shell stabilized polysaccharide-based nanoparticle with intracellular environment-sensitive drug delivery for breast cancer therapy. J Mater Chem B. 2018, 6:6646-6659.

[18] Wang Y#, Zhou PJ#, Qin SR#, Xu DD, Liu YK, Fu WY, Ruan BB, Zhang L, Zhang Y, Wang XY, Pan YW, Wang S, Yan HZ, Qin JH, Wang XY, Liu QY, Du ZY*, Liu Z*, Wang YF*. The curcumin analogs 2-pyridyl cyclohexanone induces apoptosis via inhibition of the JAK2-STAT3 pathway in human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cells. Front Pharmacol. 2018, 9:820.

[19] Liu Q#, Xiao XH#, Hu LB, Jie HY, Wang Y, Ye WC*, Li MM*, Liu Z*. Anhuienoside C ameliorates collagen-induced arthritis through inhibition of MAPK and NF-κB signaling pathways. Front Pharmacol. 2017, 8:299.

[20] Zhang L#, Wang XY#, Zhou PJ#, He Z, Yan HZ, Xu DD, Wang Y, Fu WY, Ruan BB, Wang S, Chen HX, Liu QY, Zhang YX, Liu Z*, Wang YF*. Use of immune modulation by human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells to treat experimental arthritis in mice. Am J Transl Res. 2017, 9(5): 2595-2607.

[21] Xie ZZ#, Li MM#, Deng PF, Wang S, Wang L, Lu XP, Hu LB, Chen Z, Jie HY, Wang YF, Liu XX*, Liu Z*. Paris saponin-induced autophagy promotes breast cancer cell apoptosis via the Akt/mTOR signaling pathway. Chem-Biol Interact. 2017, 264:1-9.

[22] Liu Z#, Liu G#, Zhang GL#, Li J, He YQ, Zhang SS, Wang Y, He WY, Cheng GH, Yang X, Xu J, Wang J*, Binding of human recombinant mutant soluble ectodomain of FGFR2IIIc to c subtype of FGFRs: implications for anticancer activity. Oncotarget, 2016, 7(42):68473-68488.

[23] Shao FY#, Wang S#, Li, HY#, Chen WB, Wang GC, Ma DL, Wong NS, Xiao H, Liu QY, Zhou GX, Li YL, Li MM*, Wang YF*, Liu Z*. EM23, a natural sesquiterpene lactone, targets thioredoxin reductase to activate JNK and cell death pathways in human cervical cancer cells. Oncotarget, 2016, 7(6):6790-6808.

[24] Li H#, Li M#, Wang G, Shao F, Chen W, Xia C, Wang S, Li Y*, Zhou G* and Liu Z*. EM23, a natural sesquiterpene lactone from Elephantopus mollis, induces apoptosis in human myeloid leukemia cells through thioredoxin- and reactive oxygen species-mediated signaling pathways, Front Pharmacol, 2016, 7:77.

[25] Xu DD#, Zhou PJ#, Wang Y#, Zhang Y, Zhang R, Zhang L, Chen SH, Ruan BB, Xu HP, Fu WY, Hu CZ, Tian L, Qin JH, Wang S, Wang X, Liu QY, Ren Z, Gu XQ, Li YH, Liu Z*, Wang YF*. miR-150 suppresses the proliferation and tumorigenicity of leukemia stem cells by targeting the Nanog signaling pathway, Front Pharmacol, 2016, 7:439.

[26] Fan Z#, Sun ZH#, Liu Z#, Chen YC, Liu HX, Li HH, Zhang WM. Dichotocejpins A-C: New Diketopiperazines from a Deep-Sea-Derived Fungus Dichotomomyces cejpii FS110. Mar Drugs. 2016, 14(9):164.

[27] Shao FY#, Du ZY#, Ma DL, Chen WB, Fu WY, Ruan BB, Rui W, Zhang JX, Wang S, Wong NS, Xiao H, Li MM, Liu X, Liu QY, Zhou XD, Yan HZ, Wang YF, Chen CY, Liu Z*, Chen HY*. B5, a thioredoxin reductase inhibitor, induces apoptosis in human cervical cancer cells by suppressing the thioredoxin system, disrupting mitochondrion-dependent pathways and triggering autophagy. Oncotarget, 2015, 6(31):30939-30956.

[28] Xu JJ#, Liu Z#, Tang W#, Wang GC, Chung HY, Liu QY, Zhuang L, Li MM*, Li YL*. Tangeretin from citrus reticulate inhibits respiratory syncytial virus replication and associated inflammation in vivo. J Agric Food Chem. 2015, 63 (43):9520-9527.

[29] Xu GG, Liu X, Lin YQ, He GS, Wang WJ, Xiong W, Luo HY, Liu Z*, Zhao JH*. Thermal hydrolysis of poly(L-lactic acid) films and cytotoxicity of water-soluble degradation products. J Appl Polym Sci. 2015, 132(25).

[30] Qiu XX#, Zhong MG#, Xiang YF, Qu C, Pei Y, Zhang YJ, Yang CR, Gasteiger J, Xu J, Liu Z*, Wang YF*. Self-Organizing Maps for the Classification of Gallic Acylate Polyphenols as HSV-1 Inhibitors. Med Chem. 2014, 10, 388-401. 

[31] Wang R#, Shao FY#, Liu Z*, Zhang JX, Wang SX, Liu JY, Liu H, Chen HY, Liu KS, Xia M, Wang YF*. The Hsp90 inhibitor SNX-2112, induces apoptosis in multidrug resistant K562/ADR cells through suppression of Akt/NF-κB and disruption of mitochondria-dependent pathways. Chem-Biol Interact. 2013, 205(1): 1-10.

[32] Zhong MG#, Xiang YF#, Qiu XX, Liu Z*, Kitazato K*, Wang YF*. Natural products as a source of anti-herpes simplex virus agents, RSC Adv. 2013, 3(2): 313-328. 

[33] Zhang WJ#, Liu Z#, Li SM, Lu YZ, Chen YC, Zhang HB, Zhang GT, Zhu YG, Zhang GY, Zhang WM, Liu JS, Zhang CS*. Fluostatins I-K from the South China Sea-Derived Micromonosporarosaria SCSIO N160. J Nat Prod. 2012, 75 (11): 1937-1943. 

[34] Liu JY#, Liu Z#, Wang DM, Li MM, Wang SX, Wang R, Chen JP, Wang YF*, Yang DP*. Induction of apoptosis in K562 cells by dicyclohexylammonium salt of hyperforin through a mitochondrial-related pathway. Chem-Biol Interact. 2011, 190(2-3): 91-101.

[35] Wang SX#, Ju HQ#, Liu KS, Zhang JX, Wang X, Xiang YF, Wang R, Liu JY, Liu QY, Xia M, Xing GW, Liu Z*, Wang YF*. SNX -2112, a novel Hsp90 inhibitor, induces G2/M cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in MCF-7 cells. Biosci Biotech Bioch. 2011, 75(8): 1540-1545. 

[36] Liu Z#, Huang SL#, Li MM, Huang ZS, Lee KS*, Gu LQ*. Inhibition of thioredoxin reductase by mansonone F analogues: implications for anticancer activity. Chem-Biol Interact. 2009, 177(1): 48-57.

[37] Liu Z, Du ZY, Huang ZS, Lee KS*, Gu LQ*. Inhibition of thioredoxinreductase by curcumin analogs. Biosci Biotech Bioch. 2008, 72(8): 2214-2218. 

[38] Qiu X#, Liu Z#, Shao WY, Liu X, Jing DP, Yu YJ, An LK, Huang SL, Bu XZ*, Huang ZS, Gu LQ. Synthesis and evaluation of curcumin analogues as potential thioredoxinreductase inhibitors. Bioorg Med Chem. 2008, 16(17): 8035-8041. 

[39] On-chip ultrasensitive and rapid hydrogen sensing based on plasmon-induced hot electron-molecule interaction

[40] Editorial: The polysaccharides from marine organisms and fungi: Biological functions and molecular mechanisms

[41] Editorial: Non-coding RNA and Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling Pathway in Human Cancer

[42] Wen L, Liang L, Yang X, Liu Z, Li B, Chen Q. Multiband and Ultrahigh Figure-of-Merit Nanoplasmonic Sensing with Direct Electrical Readout in Au-Si Nanojunctions. ACS Nano. 2019, 13(6):6963-6972.

[43] Li H, Zhang X, Lin X, Zhuang S, Wu Y, Liu Z, Rong J, Zhao J. CaCO3 nanoparticles pH-sensitively induce blood coagulation as a potential strategy for starving tumor therapy. J Mater Chem B. 2020:(6):1223-1234. 

[44] Chen LF, Zhong YL, Luo D, Liu Z, Tang W, Cheng W, Xiong S, Li YL*, Li MM*. Antiviral activity of ethanol extract of Lophatherum gracile against respiratory syncytial virus infection. J Ethnopharmacol. 2019; 242: 111575.

[45] Zhuang L, Chen LF, Zhang YB, Liu Z, Xiao XH, Tang W, Wang GC, Song WJ, Li YL*, Li MM*. Watsonianone A from Rhodomyrtus tomentosa Fruit Attenuates Respiratory-Syncytial-Virus-Induced Inflammation In Vitro. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2017, 65(17):3481-3489.

[46] Huang P, Chen A, He W, Li Z, Zhang G, Liu Z, Liu G, Liu X, He S, Xiao G, Huang F, Stenvang J, Brünner N, Hong A, Wang J. BMP-2 induces EMT and breast cancer stemness through Rb and CD44. Cell Death Discov. 2017,3:17039.

[47] Yuan N, Xu L, Zhang L, Ye H, Zhao J, Liu Z, Rong J. Superior hybrid hydrogels of polyacrylamide enhanced by bacterial cellulose nanofiber clusters. Mater Sci Eng C. 2016,67:221-30.

[48] Zhang Y, Zhou SY, Yan HZ, Xu DD, Chen HX, Wang XY, Wang X, Liu YT, Zhang L, Wang S, Zhou PJ, Fu WY, Ruan BB, Ma DL, Wang Y, Liu QY, Ren Z, Liu Z, Zhang R, Wang YF. miR-203 inhibits proliferation and self-renewal of leukemia stem cells by targeting survivin and Bmi-1. Sci Rep. 2016,6:19995.

[49] Wang WJ, Wang L, Liu Z, Jiang RW, Liu ZW, Li MM, Zhang QW, Dai Y, Li YL, Zhang XQ, Ye WC. Antiviral benzofurans from Eupatorium chinense. Phytochemistry. 2016, 122:238-45.

[50] Lu D, Dong D, Liu Z, Wang Y, Wu B. Metabolism elucidation of BJ-B11 (a heat shock protein 90 inhibitor) by human liver microsomes:identification of main contributing enzymes. Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol. 2015,11(7):1029-40.

[51] Liu Q, Zhu XZ, Feng RB, Liu Z, Wang GY, Guan XF, Ou GM, Li YL, Wang Y*, Li MM*, Ye WC*, Crude triterpenoid saponins from Anemone laccida (Di Wu) exert anti-arthritic efects on type II collagen-induced arthritis in rats. Chin Med. 2015, 10:20.

[52] Feng RB, Fan CL, Liu Q, Liu Z, Zhang W, Li YL, Tang W, Wang Y*, Li MM*, Ye WC*. Crude triterpenoid saponins from Ilex latifolia (Da Ye Dong Qing) ameliorate lipid accumulation by inhibiting SREBP expression via activation of AMPK in a non‑alcoholic fatty liver disease model. Chin Med. 2015, 10:23.

[53] Chen H, Liu X, Clayman ES, Shao F, Xiao M, Tian X, Fu W, Zhang C, Ruan B, Zhou P, Liu Z, Wang Y, Rui W. Synthesis and evaluation of a CBZ-AAN-Dox prodrug and its in vitro effects on SiHa cervical cancer cells under hypoxic conditions. Chem Biol Drug Des. 2015:86(4):589-98.

[54] Tian YX, Shen YD, Zhang XZ, Ye LB, Li ZH, Liu Z, Zhang JJ, Wu SG. Design Some New Type-I c-met Inhibitors Based on Molecular Docking and Topomer CoMFA Research. Mol Inform, 2014, 33(8):536-543.

[55] Zhang W, Ma L, Li S, Liu Z, Chen Y, Zhang H, Zhang G, Zhang Q, Tian X, Yuan C, Zhang S, Zhang W, Zhang C. Indimicins A-E, Bisindole Alkaloids from the Deep-Sea-Derived Streptomyces sp. SCSIO 03032. J Nat Prod. 2014, 77:1887-1892.

[56] Liu C, Liu Z, Li M, Li X, Wong YS, Ngai SM, Zheng W*, Zhang Y, Chen T*. Enhancement of auranofin-induced apoptosis in MCF-7 human breast cells by selenocystine, a synergistic inhibitor of thioredoxin reductase. PLoS One. 2013, 8(1):e53945

[57] Yang XW, Peng K, Liu Z, Zhang GY, Li J, Wang N*, Steinmetz A, Liu Y*. Strepsesquitriol, a Rearranged Zizaane-Type Sesquiterpenoid from the Deep-Sea-Derived Actinomycete Streptomyces sp. SCSIO 10355. J Nat Prod. 2013, 76 (12),:2360-2363. 

[58] Qin J*, Lan W, Liu Z, Huang J, Tang H, Wang H*. Synthesis and biological evaluation of 1, 3-dihydroxyxanthone mannich base derivatives as anticholinesterase agents. Chem Cent J. 2013, 7(1):78. 

[59] Wu ZC, Li S, Nam SJ, Liu Z, Zhang C*. Nocardiamides A and B, two cyclohexapeptides from the marine-derived actinomycete nocardiopsis sp. CNX037. J Nat Prod. 2013, 76 (4):694-701. 

[60] Wu X, Lan P, Liu Z, Ruan ZX, Wang H, Wang GC, Ye WC, Li YL*. 3D-QSAR studies of natural steroidal saponins as anticancer agents in human nasopharyngeal carcinoma epithelial cells. Lett Drug Des Discov. 2013, 10(3):245-252.

[61] Zhang W, Liu Z, Li S, Yang T, Zhang Q, Ma L, Tian X, Zhang H, Huang C, Zhang S, Ju J, Shen Y, Zhang C*. Spiroindimicins A-D:new bisindole alkaloids from a deep-sea-derived actinomycete. Org Lett, 2012, 14 (13), 3364-3367. 

[62] He F, Liu Z, Yang J, Fu P, Peng J, Zhu WM*, Qi SH*. A novel antifouling alkaloid from halotolerant fungus Penicillium sp. OUCMDZ-776, Tetrahedron Lett. 2012, 53(18):2280-2283. 

[63] Li MM, Wu S, Liu Z, Zhang W, Xu J, Wang Y, Liu JS, Zhang DM, Tian HY, Li YL*, Ye WC*. Arenobufagin, a bufadienolide compound from toad venom, inhibits VEGF-mediated angiogenesis through suppression of VEGFR-2 signaling pathway. Biochem Pharmacol. 2012, 83(9):1251-1260. 

[64] Liu KS, Ding WC, Wang SX, Liu Z, Xing GW, Wang Y, Wang YF*. The heat shock protein 90 inhibitor SNX-2112 inhibits B16 melanoma cell growth in vitro and in vivo. Oncol Rep. 2012, 27(6):1904-1910. 

[65] Liu KS, Liu H, Qi JH, Liu QY, Liu Z, Xia M, Xing GW, Wang SX*, Wang YF*. SNX-2112, an Hsp90 inhibitor, induces apoptosis and autophagy via degradation of Hsp90 client proteins in human melanoma A-375 cells. Cancer Lett. 2012, 318(2):66-74. 

[66] Zhang XQ, Xu FF, Wang L, Huang MY, Liu Z, Zhang DM, Wang GC, Li YL, Ye WC*, Two pairs of new diastereoisomeric flavonolignans from the seeds of Hovenia acerba. Phytochem Lett. 2012, 5(2):292-296. 

[67] Liu XT, Schwan WR, Volk TJ, Rott M, Liu M, Huang P, Liu Z, Wang Y, Zitomer NC, Sleger C, Hartsel S, Monte A*, Zhang L*. Antibacterial Spirobisnaphthalenes from the North American Cup Fungus Urnula craterium. J Nat Prod. 2012, 75(9):1534-1538. 

[68] Liu KS, Zhang Y, Ding WC, Wang SX, Xiang YF, Yang P, Chen ZP, Zheng K, Liu Z, Xia M, Wang YF*. The selective Hsp90 inhibitor BJ-B11 exhibits potent antitumor activity via induction of cell cycle arrest, apoptosis and autophagy in Eca-109 human esophageal squamous carcinoma cells. Int J Oncol. 2012, 41:2276-2284. 

[69] Zhai QQ, Gong GQ, Liu Z, Luo Y, Xia M, Xing GW, You XF, Wang YF*. Preclinical pharmacokinetic analysis of SNX-2112, a novel Hsp90 inhibitor, in rats. Biomed Pharmacother. 2011, 65(2):132-136. 

[70] Sun F, Liu JY, He F, Liu Z, Wang R, Wang DM, Wang YF*, Yang DP*. In-vitro antitumor activity evaluation of hyperforin derivatives. J Asian Nat Prod Res. 2011, 13(8):688-699. 

[71] Ju HQ, Wang SX, Xiang YF, Liu Z, Liu JY, Chen ZP, Zeng FL, Xia M, Liu ZH, Xing GW*, Wang SY*, Wang YF*. BJ-B11, a novel Hsp90 inhibitor, induces apoptosis in human chronic myeloid leukemia K562 cells through the mitochondria-dependent pathway. Eur J Pharmacol. 2011, 666:26-34. 

[72] Shao M, Wang Y, Liu Z, Zhang DM, Cao HH, Jiang RW, Fan CL, Zhang XQ, Chen HR, Yao XS, Ye WC*. Psiguadials A and B, two novel meroterpenoids with unusual skeletons from the leaves of Psidium guajava. Org Lett. 2010, 12(21):5040-5043. 

[73] Zhou GX*, Mo SY, He HX, Shi JG, Ye WC, Liu Z. Jiang RW*, Molecular structure and tautomerization of the 1:1 complex of luteoskyrin and rugulosin J Mol Struct. 2010, 979(1):86-91. 

[74] Tian HY, Wang L, Zhang XQ, Wang Y, Zhang DM, Jiang RW, Liu Z, Liu JS, Li YL, Ye WC*. Bufogargarizins A and B two novel 19-norbufadienolides with unprecedented skeletons from the venom of bufo bufo gargarizans. Chem Eur J. 2010, 16(36):10989-10993. 

[75] Zhai QQ, Gong GQ, Luo Y, Wang QD, Xia M, Xing GW, Li YC, Jiang JH, Liu Z, Liu QY, Wang YF*. Determination of SNX-2112, a selective Hsp90 inhibitor in plasma samples by high-performance liquid chromatography and its application to pharmacokinetics in rats. J Pharm Biomed Anal. 2010, 53(4):1048-1052. 

[76] Du ZY, Bao YD, Liu Z, Qiao W, Ma L, Huang ZS*, Gu LQ*, Chan ASC. Curcumin analogs as potent aldose reductase inhibitors. Arch Pharm (Weinheim). 2006, 339(3):123-128. 




1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(82273979),2023.01-2026.12

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(82073864),2021.1-2024.12

3. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(81001449),2011-2013

4. 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金省企联合项目(2021A1515220126),2021.11-2024.10.

5. 广东省自然科学基金杰出青年项目(2017A030306008),2017.5-2021.5,

6. “广东特支计划”科技创新青年拔尖人才项目(2016TQ03R849),2017.6-2020.5,

7. 广东省科技计划对外科技合作项目(2013B051000061),2014-2016

8. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目(S2012010008494),2012-2014

9. 广东省自然科学基金博士启动项目(10451063201005506),2010-2012

10. 广州市珠江科技新星项目(201610010108),2016-2019

11. 广州市科技计划应用基础研究重点项目(12C32071601),2011-2013

12. 药用资源化学与药物分子工程教育部重点实验室资助课题(CMEMR2015-B08),2015-2018

13. 天然药物及仿生药物国家重点实验室资助课题(K20120208),2012-2013

14. 暨南大学科研培育与创新基金跃升计划项目(21615413),2015-2016

15. 暨南大学引进优秀人才科研启动基金(51209005),2009-2011










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  • 国家药品监督管理局主管学术期刊《化妆品与皮肤科学》主编

  • 全国质量监管重点产品检验方法标准化技术委员会化妆品检验方法专业工作组委员

  • 广东省药监局天然产物化妆品原料创新技术研究重点实验室学术委员会主任

  • 广东省化妆品学会副理事长、常务副秘书长、化妆品原料与天然产物专委会主任

  • 广东省生物医学工程学会常务理事、副秘书长

  • 广东省药学会核药学专委会常委

  • 广东省药理学会抗炎免疫药理专委会常委

  • 广州市重大行政决策论证专家

  • 暨南大学化妆品与医美行业校友会执行会长

  • SCI期刊Frontiers in Pharmacology客座副主编、 Molecules客座编辑