

姓名: 欧林坚

部门: 生命科学技术学院



职称: 研究员(自然科学)

学位: 理学博士

毕业院校: 厦门大学


电子邮箱: torangeou@jnu.edu.cn

办公地址: 暨南大学第二理工楼425

通讯地址: 广州市天河区黄埔大道西601号

邮编: 510632






欧林坚,暨南大学生命科学技术学院研究员、博士生导师。主要研究方向为近海富营养化与有害藻华、海洋微藻生理学与分子生物学。担任中国海洋湖沼学会藻类学分会副理事长和中国海洋湖沼学会水环境分会理事。主持国家重点重大项目课题2项及子课题3项,国家自然科学基金项目5项,在国际、国内主流刊物发表论文80余篇,参与多部专著的编写,授权发明专利1项。担任Frontiers in Protistology副主编和Frontiers in Marine Science编委,并担任Limnology and Oceanography、Water Research、Science of the Total Environment、Harmful Algae、Journal of Phycology等多个期刊的审稿专家。


2001.9~2006.7 厦门大学 环境科学研究中心 环境科学专业 博士

1997.9~2001.7 厦门大学 海洋系 海洋生物学专业 学士


2008.3~至今 暨南大学 生物系/赤潮与海洋生物学研究中心  讲师/副研究员/研究员

2011.5~2012.5 瑞典林奈大学 海洋科学系  访问学者

2006.7~2008.2 华南农业大学 水产养殖系  讲师


1. 近海富营养化与有害藻华

2. 微藻生理学与分子生物学


Ou XL, Ou LJ*, Yang YF*. 2024. Bioavailability of dissolved organic matter (DOM) derived from Gracilaria lemaneiformis meditated by microorganisms. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 209: 117243.

Zhang XY, Li ZF, Gu HF, Han AQ, Han FX*, Ou LJ*. 2024. Significance of phosphate adsorbed on the cellular surface as a storage pool and its regulation in marine microalgae. Marine Environmental Research, 195: 106378.

Ou LJ, Wang Z, Ding GM, Han FX, Cen JY, Dai XF, Li KQ*, Lu SH*. 2024. Organic nutrient availability and extracellular enzyme activity influence harmful algal bloom proliferation in a coastal aquaculture area. Aquaculture, 582740530.

Li DW1, Tan JZ1, Li ZF, Ou LJ*. 2024. Membrane lipid remodeling and autotrophy to cope with phosphorus deficiency in the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum shikokuense. Chemosphere, 349: 140844.

Chen XW, Chen H, Zhao HL, Li DW*, Ou LJ*. 2024. Triazine herbicide reduced toxicity of the harmful dinoflagellate Karenia mikimotoi by damaging photosynthetic system. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 269: 115740.

Jin WY, Chen XW, Tan JZ, Lin X*, Ou LJ*. 2023. Variation in intracellular polyphosphate and associated gene expression in response to different phosphorus conditions in the dinoflagellate Karenia mikimotoi. Harmful Algae, 129: 102532.

Huang XL, Zhuang YQ, Xiong YY, Li DW*, Ou LJ*. 2023. Efficient modulation of cellular phosphorus components in response to phosphorus deficiency in the dinoflagellate Karenia mikimotoi. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 89(11): e00867-23.

Huang KX, Wang Z, Tan JZ, Wang DZ, Dai XF, Cen JY, Ou LJ*, Lu SH. 2022. Phosphomonoesterase and phosphodiesterase activities and their regulation during dinoflagellate blooms under different external phosphate conditionsMarine Ecology Progress Series, 698: 41-54. 

Ou LJ, Li JT, Zhang XY, Wang Z, Zou J, Lu SH*. 2022. Dissolved organic matter and activities of extracellular enzymes in two lagoons (South China Sea) affected by aquaculture. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9: 864579.

Lu SH1Ou LJ1, Dai XF1, Cui L, Dong YL, Wang PB, Li DM, Lu DD*. 2022. An overview of Prorocentrum donghaiense blooms in China: Species identification, occurrences, ecological consequences, and factors regulating prevalence. Harmful Algae, 114: 102207.

Huang KX, Zhuang YQ,Wang Z, Ou LJ*, Cen JY, Lu SH, Qi YZ. 2021.Bioavailability of organic phosphorus compounds to the harmful dinoflagellate Karenia mikimotoiMicroorganisms, 9: 1961.

Qin XL1, Shi XY1, Gao YH, Ou LJ*, Dai XF, Guan WB, Lu SH*, Cen JY, Qi YZ. 2021. Alkaline phosphatase activity during a phosphate replete dinoflagellate bloom caused by Prorocentrum obtusidensHarmful Algae, 103: 101979.

Mo Y, Ou LJ*, Lin LZ, Huang BQ*. 2020. Temporal and spatial variations of alkaline phosphatase activity related to phosphorus status of phytoplankton in the East China Sea. Science of the Total Environment, 731: 139192.

Huang KX, Feng QL, Zhang Y, Ou LJ*, Cen JY, Lu SH**, Qi YZ. 2020. Comparative uptake and assimilation of nitrate, ammonium, and urea by dinoflagellate Karenia mikimotoi and diatom Skeletonema costatum s.l.in the coastal waters of the East China Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 155: 111200.

OU LJ1*, Qin XL1, Shi XY, Feng QL, Zhang SW, Lu SH*, Qi YZ. 2020. Alkaline phosphatase activities and regulation in three harmful Prorocentrum species from the coastal waters of East China Sea. Microbial Ecology, 79: 459-471.

Ou LJ1, Huang KX1, Li JJ, Jin WY, Dong HP*. 2019. Transcriptomic responses of harmful dinoflagellate Prorocentrum donghaiense to nitrogen and light. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 149: 110617

Hao TB, Jiang T, Dong HP*, OU LJ*, He X, Yang YF. 2018. Light-harvesting protein Lhcx3 is essential for high light acclimation of Phaeodactylum tricornutumAMB Express, 8: 174.

Cui L, Lu XX, Dong YL, Cen JY, Cao RB, Pan L, Lu SH*, Ou LJ*. 2018. Relationship between phytoplankton community succession and environmental parameters in Qinhuangdao coastal areas, China: A region with recurrent brown tide outbreaks. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 159: 85-93.

Ou LJ1, Cai YY1, Jin WY, Wang Z, Lu SH. 2018. Understanding the nitrogen uptake and assimilation of the Chinese strain of Aureococcus anophagefferens (Pelagophyceae). Algal Research, 34: 182-190.

Ou LJ, Liu XH, Li JJ, Qin XL, Cui L, Lu SH. 2018. Significant activities of extracellular enzymes from a brown tide in the coastal waters of Qinhuangdao, China. Harmful Algae74: 1-9.



1. 2025.1~2028.12, 项目负责人,国家自然科学基金面上项目“DOM在近海硅藻和甲藻藻华发生和演替中的作用机制No. 42476124

2. 2022.12~2025.12,课题负责人,国家重点研发计划有毒有害赤潮新一代综合防控技术体系研发与应用第一课题我国近海赤潮藻种组成分布特征研究与数据库建设No. 2022YFC3105301

3. 2022.1~2025.12, 项目负责人,国家自然科学基金面上项目赤潮甲藻胞内磷的资源化配置与转化利用机制研究” No. 42176201

4. 2019.8~2021.12,课题负责人,国家重点研发计划秦皇岛海域生态灾害多发原因及监测预警系统研究第一课题秦皇岛海域赤潮灾害的成因及其预警技术No. 2019YFC1407900

5. 2018.1~2021.12,项目负责人,国家自然科学基金面上项目磷驱动下的有害米氏凯伦藻藻华发生的营养动力学机制” No. 41776121

6. 2017.7~2020.12,项目骨干成员,国家重点研发计划我国近海致灾赤潮形成机理、监测预测及评估防治技术第一课题典型致灾赤潮的生态学机理与演变规律No. 2017YFC1404301

7. 2012.1~2015.12,项目负责人,国家自然科学基金面上项目尿素对海洋浮游植物不同类群种间竞争的调控机制 No. 41176087

8. 2011.1~2015.8, 项目骨干成员,国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)中国近海水母爆发的关键过程、机理及生态环境效应第三课题浮游植物群落演替与水母爆发的相互影响No. 2011CB403603

9. 2010.1~2014.8,项目主要成员,国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)我国近海藻华灾害演变机制与生态安全第二课题典型富营养化海域藻华灾害形成与演变的生态安全No. 2010CB428702

10. 2009.01~2011.12,项目负责人,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目典型赤潮甲藻的混合营养机制研究No. 40806058


1   欧林坚, 李达伟, 黄雪玲, 陈香武. 颗石藻启动子及其应用. 2024-10-1, 中国, ZL202411049066.X. 


  • 本科生课程《海洋生态学》、《探索神秘的海洋世界》

  • 研究生课程 《海洋藻类学》



1. 中国海洋湖沼学会藻类学分会副理事长;中国海洋湖沼学会水环境分会理事

2. Frontiers in Protistology副主编;Frontiers in Marine Science 编委