个人信息![]() |
姓名: 余稳稳 部门: 生命科学技术学院 性别: 男 职务: 职称: 副教授 学位: 博士 毕业院校: 昆士兰大学 联系电话: 13922301791 电子邮箱: yuwenwen@jnu.edu.cn 办公地址: 530,第二理工楼 通讯地址: 广东省广州市天河区黄埔大道601暨南大学第二理工楼 邮编: 510632 传真: 荣誉奖励: |
联系方式yuwenwen@jnu.edu.cn |
个人简介昆士兰大学博士,硕士生导师,“暨南杰青”人才计划获得者。主要研究领域:淀粉结构-功能性质关系研究、食品大分子体外消化、低GI饮食与健康、食品组分互作等。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、广东省面上/青年基金、广州市科技基金、达能营养宣教基金等基金项目多项,广东省农村科技特派员项目负责人,以第一/通讯作者身份共发表SCI期刊论文30余篇(ESI高被引3篇),总引超2000余次,h指数24,授权发明专利2项,出版英文专著3章。 学习经历博士 2014.10- 2018.09 昆士兰大学 硕士 2011.09- 2014.06 华南理工大学 学士 2007.09- 2011.07 南昌大学 工作经历2019.04-至今,暨南大学,食品科学与工程系
研究方向淀粉结构-功能性质关系研究、食品大分子体外消化、低GI饮食与健康、食品组分互作。 主要论文[1] Zhou, X.; Chen, Y.; Feng, P.; Shen, J.; Fan, X.; Chen, Y.; Yu, W. Fine structure of starch biomacromolecules and digestibility: The regulative role of amylose and amylopectin in the digestive hydrolysis of starch in rice. Carbohydrate Polymers 2024, 123040. [2] Feng, P., Zhou, X., & Yu, W. (2024). Study of starch molecular structure–property relations provides new insight into slowly digestedrice development. Food Research International, 194, 114887. [3] Xianglong, Zhou., Tao, Huang., Shulin, Deng*., Hongsheng, Liu., Wenwen Yu** (2024). Variations in the effects of extrusion treatments and ferulic acid addition on starch digestibility with different botanical backgrounds. Carbohydrate Polymers, 121768. [4] Hanfei, Ye., Wenwen, Yu* (2023). Different influences of dietary fiber from various sources on the in vitro digestibility of casein as uncovered by the study of protein-dietary fiber interactions. Food Research International, 113845. [5] Wang, Huaibin., Peng, Xingguang., Zhang, Kejia., Li, Xuyin., Zhao, Peijing., Liu, Hongsheng., & Yu, Wenwen*. A more general approach for predicting the glycemic index (GI) values of commercial noodles. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2023, 105226. [6] Hu, Yi., Zhou, Xianglong., Hu, Changying*., & Yu, Wenwen**. HS-GC-IMS identification of volatile aromatic compounds of freshly-cooked rice packaged with different disposable lunchboxes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 438, 129516. [7] Shuke Yue, Huaibing Wang, Huixian Xu, Hongsheng Liu, Wenwen Yu*. Addition of amino acids modulates the in vitro digestibility of corn starch. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2022, 293, 119745. [8] Xianglong, Chengrui Wang, Shuke Yue, Yong Zheng, Cheng Li*, Wenwen Yu**. Mutual interactions between α‑amylase and amyloglucosidase on the digestion of starch with distinct chain-length distributions at fully gelatinized state. Food & Function, 2022,13, 3453-3464. [9] Huixian Xu, Shaobo Zhang, Wenwen Yu*. Revealing the mechanism beneath the effects of starch-amino acids interactions on starch physicochemical properties by molecular dynamic simulations. Food Hydrocolloids, 2021: 107359. [10] Wenwen Yu#, Xianglong Zhou#, Cheng Li*. Application of first-order kinetics modeling to reveal the nature of starch digestion characteristics. Food & Function, 2021,12, 6652-6663. [11] Cheng Li, Bo Gong, Tao Huang, Wenwen Yu*. In vitro digestion rate of fully gelatinized rice starches is driven by molecular size and amylopectin medium-long chains. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2021, 15 (254): 117275. 48 [12] Cheng Li, Yiming Hu, Tao Huang, Wenwen Yu*. A combined action of amylose and amylopectin fine molecular structures in determining the starch pasting and retrogradation property. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 164: 2717-2725. 46 [13] Cheng Li, Jixun Luo*, Changquan Zhang, Wenwen Yu**. Causal relations among starch chain-length distributions, short-term retrogradation and cooked rice texture. Food Hydrocolloids, 2020, 108: 106064. 55 [14] Wenwen Yu, Robert G. Gilbert, Glen P. Fox*. Malt protein inhibition of β-amylase alters starch molecular structure during barley mashing. Food Hydrocolloids, 2020, 100, 105423. 11 主要著作[1] Wenwen Yu, Cheng Li. Chapter 2: The structure of rice starch and its application. Science of Rice Chemistry and Nutrition, Springer Nature Singapore, 2023, 3-22. [2] Wenwen Yu, Sushil Dhital. Chapter 8: Starch molecular structure and its relation with enzymic digestion. Nilsson-Starch in Food, 3ed: Structure, Function and Applications, Elsevier (Proof). 承担课题[1] 淀粉分子结构精准测定和解析关键技术研究,2024.01.01-2024.12.31,国际交流处拨广东省国际及港澳台人才交流专项(重点高端外国专家项目),主持 [1] 基于蛋白与淀粉互作揭示糖化过程中麦芽醇溶蛋白抑制淀粉糊化分子机制,2020.01-2024.12,国家自然科学基金-青年基金,主持 [2] 膳食纤维与蛋白质相互作用影响蛋白质消化的机制研究,广州市基础与应用基础研究专题-优秀博士“续航”项目,2024.01-2025.12,主持 [3] 功能性淀粉分子结构调控指导低GI食品研发应用的研究,2023.01-2025.12,广东省-面上基金,主持 [4] 水稻农产品深加工及其产业化,2021.12-2024.12,广东省科学技术厅农村科技特派员项目,主持 [5] 碳水化合物食物GI值体外估算模型的构建及有效性评估,2021.12-2022.11,达能营养中心(中国),主持 发明专利[1] 余稳稳, 王怀槟, 李旭盈. 一种体外测定面条食品血糖生成指数的方法. ZL 2022 1 0659247. 9. [2] 余稳稳, 邹伟, 李成. 一种体外测定碳水化合物食物的血糖生成指数的方法. ZL 2021 1 0458696. 2. 讲授课程《食品安全学》、《食品工厂设计概论》、《营养吸收与代谢》(英文)、《大学生职业生涯规划》 荣誉奖励社会职务 |