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姓名: 汪超男 部门: 网络空间安全学院 性别: 女 职务: 职称: 教授 学位: 毕业院校: 联系电话: 电子邮箱: c_wang@jnu.edu.cn 办公地址: 通讯地址: 邮编: 传真: 荣誉奖励: |
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个人简介学习经历2010.09-2014.05 美国麻省大学达特茅斯分校 计算机工程专业 博士 2006.09-2009.07 清华大学 电子与通信工程领域专业 硕士 2002.09-2006.07 上海电力学院 电气工程及其自动化专业 学士 工作经历研究方向复杂系统与网络的可靠性分析 招生意向主要论文期刊论文 [J1] Suprasad V. Amari1, Chaonan Wang*, Liudong Xing, Rahamat Mohammad, “An efficient phased-mission reliability model considering dynamic k-out-of-n subsystem redundancy,” IISE Transactions (Accepted). [J2] Chaonan Wang, Liudong Xing*, Rui Peng, and Zhusheng Pan, “Competing failure analysis in phased-mission systems with multiple functional dependence groups,” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 164, pp.24-33, August 2017 (SCI & EI) [J3] Chaonan Wang*, Liudong Xing, Amir Ehsani Zonouz, Vinod M. Vokkarane, and Yan Sun, “Communication reliability analysis of wireless sensor networks using phased-mission model,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 33(4), pp. 823-837, June 2017(SCI & EI) [J4] Chaonan Wang*, Liudong Xing, Vinod M. Vokkarane, and Yan Sun, “Infrastructure communication sensitivity analysis of wireless sensor networks,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 32(2), pp. 581-594, March 2016. (SCI & EI) [J5] Chaonan Wang, Liudong Xing*, and Gregory Levitin, “Probabilistic common cause failures in phased-mission systems,” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 144, pp. 53-60, December 2015. (SCI & EI) [J6] Chaonan Wang, Liudong Xing*, and Gregory Levitin, “Explicit and implicit methods for probabilistic common-cause failure analysis,” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 131, pp. 175-184, November 2014. (SCI & EI) [J7] Chaonan Wang, Liudong Xing*, Honggang Wang, Yuanshun Dai, and Zhaoyang Zhang, “Performance analysis of media cloud-based multimedia systems with retrying fault-tolerance technique,” IEEE Systems Journal, Special Issue on Recent Advances in Cloud-based Multimedia Systems, 8(1), 313-321, March 2014. (SCI & EI) [J8] Chaonan Wang, Liudong Xing*, Vinod M. Vokkarane, and Yan Sun, “Reliability and lifetime modeling of wireless sensor nodes,” Microelectronics Reliability, 54(1), pp. 160-166, January 2014. (SCI & EI) [J9] Liudong Xing*, Gregory Levitin, Chaonan Wang, and Yuanshun Dai, “Reliability of systems subject to failures with dependent propagation effect,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, 43(2), pp. 277-290, March 2013. (SCI & EI) [J10] Chaonan Wang, Liudong Xing*, and Gregory Levitin, “Reliability analysis of multi-trigger binary systems subject to competing failures,” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 111, pp. 9-17, March 2013. (SCI & EI) [J11] Chaonan Wang, Liudong Xing*, and Gregory Levitin, “Competing failure analysis in phased-mission systems with functional dependence in one of phases,” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 108, pp. 90-99, December 2012. (SCI & EI) [J12] Chaonan Wang, Liudong Xing*, and Suprasad V. Amari, “A fast approximation method for reliability analysis of cold-standby systems,” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 106, pp. 119-126, October 2012. (SCI & EI) [J13] Liudong Xing*, Chaonan Wang, and Gregory Levitin, “Competing failure analysis in non-repairable binary systems subject to functional dependence,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 226(4), pp. 406-416, August 2012. (SCI & EI) [J14] Liudong Xing*, Suprasad V. Amari, and Chaonan Wang, “Reliability of k-out-of-n systems with phased-mission requirements and imperfect fault coverage,” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 103, pp. 45-50, July 2012. (SCI & EI) [J15] Liudong Xing*, Honggang Wang, Chaonan Wang, and Yujie Wang, “BDD-based two-party trust sensitivity analysis for social networks,” International Journal of Security and Networks, Special Issue on Network Forensics, Security and Privacy, 7(4), pp. 242-251, April 2012. (EI) [J16] Chaonan Wang, Liudong Xing*, and Gregory Levitin, “Propagated failure analysis for non-repairable systems considering both global and selective effects,” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 99, pp. 96-104, March 2012. (SCI & EI) [J17] Chaonan Wang, Liudong Xing*, Vinod M. Vokkarane, and Yan Sun, “Reliability of wireless sensor networks with tree topology,” International Journal of Performability Engineering, 8(2), pp. 213-216, March 2012. (EI) [J18] 汪超男, 李爱玲, 周有铮, 王喆垚*, 刘理天, “表面应力敏感型压阻微悬臂梁传感器的模拟,” 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 49(11), pp. 1876-1879, 2009. (EI) [J19] Youzheng Zhou, Zheyao Wang*, Chaonan Wang, Wenzhou Ruan, and Litian Liu, “Design, fabrication, and characterization of a two-step released silicon dioxide piezoresistive microcantilever immunosensor,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 19(6), pp. 1-10, May 2009. (SCI & EI) [J20] Zheyao Wang*, Youzheng Zhou, Chaonan Wang, Wenzhou Ruan and Litian Liu, “A theoretical model for surface-stress piezoresistive microcantilever biosensors with discontinuous layers,” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 138(2), pp. 879-885, May 2009. (SCI & EI) 会议论文 [C1] Chaonan Wang, Liudong Xing*, and Yujie Wang, “A new CBDD model for deterministic competing failure analysis,” the 2nd International Conference on Reliability Systems Engineering (ICRSE 2017), Beijing, China, July 2017. (EI) [C2] Qisi Liu, Liudong Xing*, and Chaonan Wang, “Framework of probabilistic risk assessment for security and reliability,” the 2017 workshop on Big Data Cybersecurity Analytics (BDCA), IEEE DSC 2017, Shenzhen, China, June 2017. (EI) [C3] Chaonan Wang, Liudong Xing*, and Rui Peng, “Competing failure analysis in phased-mission systems with global and selective propagation effects,” Proceedings of The Ninth International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability (MMR 2015), Tokyo, Japan, June 2015. [C4] Chaonan Wang, Liudong Xing*, and Rui Peng, “Approximate reliability analysis of large heterogeneous cold-standby systems,” Proceedings of International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering (QR2MSE 2014), Dalian, China, July 2014. [C5] Chaonan Wang, Liudong Xing*, Vinod M. Vokkarane, and Yan Sun, “A phased-mission framework for communication reliability in WSN,” Proceedings of the Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS 2014), Colorado Springs, CO, January 2014. (EI) [C6] Chaonan Wang, Liudong Xing*, Vinod M. Vokkarane, and Yan Sun, “Reliability modeling of wireless sensors,” Proceedings of the Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS 2013), Orlando, FL, January 2013. (EI) [C7] Chaonan Wang, Liudong Xing*, and Gregory Levitin, “Reliability of phased-mission systems subject to competing failures,” Proceedings of the Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS 2013), Orlando, FL, January 2013. (EI) [C8] Chaonan Wang, Liudong Xing*, Honggang Wang, Zhaoyang Zhang, Yuanshun Dai, and Qun Zhang, “Processing time analysis of cloud services with retrying fault-tolerance technique,” Proceedings of The First IEEE International Conference on Communications in China: Advanced Internet and Cloud (AIC), Beijing, China, August 2012. (EI) [C9] Chaonan Wang, Liudong Xing*, Vinod M. Vokkarane, and Yan Sun, “Manycast and anycast-based infrastructure communication reliability for wireless sensor networks,” Proceedings of the 18th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, Boston, MA, July 2012. (EI) [C10] Chaonan Wang, Liudong Xing*, Vinod M. Vokkarane, and Yan Sun, “Reliability analysis of wireless sensor networks using different network topology characteristics,” Proceedings of International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering (QR2MSE 2012), Chengdu, China, June 2012. (EI) [C11] Chaonan Wang, Liudong Xing*, and Gregory Levitin, “Reliability of multi-trigger multi-state systems subject to competing failures,” Proceedings of International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering (QR2MSE 2012), Chengdu, China, June 2012. (EI) [C12] Liudong Xing*, Honggang Wang, Yujie Wang, and Chaonan Wang, “Two-Party trust sensitivity analysis for social networks,” Proceedings of International Workshop on Network Forensics, Security and Privacy (NFSP), in Conjunction ICDCS 2012, Macau, China, June 2012. (EI) [C13] Liudong Xing*, Gregory Levitin, and Chaonan Wang, “Multi-state systems with independent local and propagated failures and competing failure propagation and isolation effects,” Proceedings of The Seventh International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability (MMR 2011), Invited Session on Multi-state and continuous-state system reliability, Beijing, China, June 2011. [C14] Chaonan Wang, Jingfang Huang, Zhaoyang Zhang, Liudong Xing*, and Honggang Wang, “Service performance analysis of cloud computing systems,” Proceedings of The Seventh International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability (MMR 2011), Invited Session on Reliability of computer networks and cloud computing, Beijing, China, June 2011. 主要著作在复杂系统与网络可靠性分析领域取得了具有国际影响的研究成果,发表多篇学术论文。曾参与2项美国国家科学基金研究,现主持1项国家自然科学基金青年项目,1项广州市科技计划一般项目,1项暨南大学科研培育与创新基金项目。担任多家国际期刊与会议的应邀审稿人。 承担课题发明专利讲授课程荣誉奖励社会职务 |