

Name: Guanquanlong

Department: 信息科学技术学院

Organization: Computer Science

Gender: male

Post: Vice Dean

Career: Professor

Degree: Doctor

Graduate School:

Tel: 02085220332


Office Location: Xianzi Zeng Science Building

Address: JInan University

PostCode: 510632






The M.S. degree in Jinan University, Guangzhou, China, in 2006. 

The Ph.D. degree in Jinan University, Guangzhou, China, in 2014. 

From 2012 to 2013, Visiting researcher at The Pennsylvania State University, USA.

From 2017.6 to 2017.10, Visiting researcher at University of South Carolina, USA.

Work Experience

A member of the Networking and Security Research Group, Big Datat Analysis Group. 

Director for Guangdong university industry-university-research cooperation organization: JNU Network security detection, Education Big data Analysis. 

Director for Engineering technology center of Guangdong colleges and universities: Network Information security.

Research Fields

Thesis Fields

[1] Efficient performability analysis of dynamic multi-state k-out-of-n: G systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2023  (SCI中科院一区Top)

[2] Phase reduction for efficient reliability analysis of dynamic k-out-of-n phased mission systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety , 2023,(SCI中科院一区Top)

[3] Reliability analysis of dynamic voting phased-mission systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety , 2023,(SCI中科院一区Top)

[4] Generalizable Automatic Short Answer Scoring via~Prototypical Neural Network. AIED 2023,教育与人工智能交叉顶级会议, 2023

[5] Extensive evaluation on the performance and behaviour of TCP congestion control protocols under varied network scenarios. Computer Networks,2019 (SCI,中科院三区)
[6] Knowledge Compilation Meets Logical Separability,AAAI,2022. (CCF A
类,CCF A Top,人工智能顶级会议)
[7] Molecular substructure graph attention network for molecular property identification in drug discovery, Pattern Recognition,2022. (SCI
[8] LDGC-SR: Integrating long-range dependencies and global context information for session-based recommendation, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022. (SCI
[9] Reliability Analysis of Smart Home Sensor Systems Subject to Competing Failures, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 108327,2022, 
[10] Generalized Linear Integer Numeric Planning, ICAPS, 2022 (CCF B

[11] Cognitive Diagnosis Focusing on Knowledge Concepts.Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management , ACM CIKM,信息检索和数据挖掘领域顶级会议2022

[12] Is the Latest the Greatest? A Comparative Study of Automatic Approaches for Classifying Educational Forum Posts.IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies , 智慧教育顶级期刊2022: 1--14SCI,中科院二区)
[13] Knowledge Tracing Model with Learning and Forgetting Behavior. Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management , ACM CIKM, 信息检索和数据挖掘领域顶级会议2022
[14] A Privacy-Preserving Classifier in Statistic Pattern Recognition. International Conference on Cloud Computing and Security,2018:496-507
[15] Minimum Migration Time Selection Algorithm for Container Consolidation. Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, 2018
[16] A large-scale study of Android malware development phenomenon on public malware submission and scanning platform. IEEE Transactions on Big Data,2021SCI,中科院二区)
[17] A software assignment algorithm for minimizing worm damage in networked systems. Journal of Information Security and Applications. 35: 55-67 (2017) SCI,中科院三区)

[18] TCon: A Transparent Congestion Control Deployment Platform for Optimizing WAN Transfers. IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing 2017: 49-61  (CCF C类会议)
[19] SweetDroid: Toward a Context-Sensitive Privacy Policy Enforcement Framework for Android OS. WPES@CCS 2017: 75-86
[20] Semantics-Based Repackaging Detection for Mobile Apps. ESSoS 2016: 89-105
[21] Multi-objective software assignment for active cyber defense. IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS) 2015: 299-307CCF C类会议)

[22] Research on QoS Routing in the Internet. HPCC/EUC 2013: 1084-1088CCF C类会议)
[23] Mystique: a fine-grained and transparent congestion control enforcement scheme.IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management,2019 (SCI
[24] A Fast and Accurate Reliability Approximation Method for Heterogeneous Cold Standby Sparing Systems, Reliability Engineering & System Safety ,2021, 
[25] Efficient reliability analysis of dynamic k out‐ofn phaseAND mission systems, QUALITY AND RELIABILITY ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL 
[26] Dynamic minimization of bi-kronecker functional decision diagrams,Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, ICCAD,2020
CCF B类会议)
[27] Students’experience of online learning during the COVID19 pandemic: A provincewide survey study, British Journal of Educational Technology 52 (5), 2038-20572021. 


[1] Efficient performability analysis of dynamic multi-state k-out-of-n: G systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2023  (SCI中科院一区Top)

[2] Phase reduction for efficient reliability analysis of dynamic k-out-of-n phased mission systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety , 2023,(SCI中科院一区Top)

[3] Reliability analysis of dynamic voting phased-mission systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety , 2023,(SCI中科院一区Top)

[4] Generalizable Automatic Short Answer Scoring via~Prototypical Neural Network. AIED 2023,教育与人工智能交叉顶级会议, 2023

[5] Extensive evaluation on the performance and behaviour of TCP congestion control protocols under varied network scenarios. Computer Networks,2019 (SCI,中科院三区)
[6] Knowledge Compilation Meets Logical Separability,AAAI,2022. (CCF A
类,CCF A Top,人工智能顶级会议)
[7] Molecular substructure graph attention network for molecular property identification in drug discovery, Pattern Recognition,2022. (SCI
[8] LDGC-SR: Integrating long-range dependencies and global context information for session-based recommendation, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022. (SCI
[9] Reliability Analysis of Smart Home Sensor Systems Subject to Competing Failures, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 108327,2022, 
[10] Generalized Linear Integer Numeric Planning, ICAPS, 2022 (CCF B

[11] Cognitive Diagnosis Focusing on Knowledge Concepts.Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management , ACM CIKM,信息检索和数据挖掘领域顶级会议2022

[12] Is the Latest the Greatest? A Comparative Study of Automatic Approaches for Classifying Educational Forum Posts.IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies , 智慧教育顶级期刊2022: 1--14SCI,中科院二区)
[13] Knowledge Tracing Model with Learning and Forgetting Behavior. Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management , ACM CIKM, 信息检索和数据挖掘领域顶级会议2022
[14] A Privacy-Preserving Classifier in Statistic Pattern Recognition. International Conference on Cloud Computing and Security,2018:496-507
[15] Minimum Migration Time Selection Algorithm for Container Consolidation. Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, 2018
[16] A large-scale study of Android malware development phenomenon on public malware submission and scanning platform. IEEE Transactions on Big Data,2021SCI,中科院二区)
[17] A software assignment algorithm for minimizing worm damage in networked systems. Journal of Information Security and Applications. 35: 55-67 (2017)SCI,中科院三区)

[18] TCon: A Transparent Congestion Control Deployment Platform for Optimizing WAN Transfers. IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing 2017: 49-61  (CCF C类会议)
[19] SweetDroid: Toward a Context-Sensitive Privacy Policy Enforcement Framework for Android OS. WPES@CCS 2017: 75-86
[20] Semantics-Based Repackaging Detection for Mobile Apps. ESSoS 2016: 89-105
[21] Multi-objective software assignment for active cyber defense. IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS) 2015: 299-307CCF C类会议)

[22] Research on QoS Routing in the Internet. HPCC/EUC 2013: 1084-1088CCF C类会议)
[23] Mystique: a fine-grained and transparent congestion control enforcement scheme.IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management,2019 (SCI
[24] A Fast and Accurate Reliability Approximation Method for Heterogeneous Cold Standby Sparing Systems, Reliability Engineering & System Safety ,2021, 
[25] Efficient reliability analysis of dynamic k out‐ofn phaseAND mission systems, QUALITY AND RELIABILITY ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL 
[26] Dynamic minimization of bi-kronecker functional decision diagrams,Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, ICCAD,2020
CCF B类会议)
[27] Students’experience of online learning during the COVID19 pandemic: A provincewide survey study, British Journal of Educational Technology 52 (5), 2038-20572021. 

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